collective noun for eggs
A group of eggs is called a clutch.
The collective noun for eggs is clutch.
Carton, tray, brood, and sitting are the other collective nouns for eggs.
The collective noun for eggs is clutch.
Carton, tray, brood, and sitting are the other collective nouns for eggs.
eggs | clutch | A clutch of eggs ('clutch' generally refers to a group of eggs laid by a bird) |
eggs | brood | A brood of eggs ('brood' generally refers to a group of eggs being hatched together) |
eggs | sitting | A sitting of eggs ('sitting' generally refers to a group of eggs under a brooding bird) |
eggs | tray | A tray of eggs ('tray' generally refers to a group of eggs made ready for consumption) |
eggs | carton | A carton of eggs ('carton' generally refers to a group of eggs packaged for consumption) |