collective noun for dolphins


Collective noun for dolphins: pod
A group of dolphins is called a pod.
The collective noun for dolphins is pod.
School, flock, herd, team, and display are the other collective nouns for dolphins.
Collective nouns for dolphins with usage
dolphinspodA pod of dolphins
('pod' refers to a large group of dolphins hunting together)
dolphinsschoolA school of dolphins
('school' refers to a group of dolphins swimming together in synchrony)
dolphinsflockA flock of dolphins
('flock' refers to a group of dolphins playfully swimming together)
dolphinsherdA herd of dolphins
('herd' refers to a large group of various species of dolphins swimming together)
dolphinsteamA team of dolphins
('team' refers to a group of dolphins working on a specific mission)
dolphinsdisplayA display of dolphins
('display' refers to a group of dolphins leaping out of water)
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Last Updated: January 2, 2025