Collective nouns for bees


Collective noun for bees: colony
A group of bees is called a colony.
The collective noun for bees is a colony.
Hive, and Swarm are the other collective nouns for bees.
Collective nouns for bees with usage
beescolonyA colony of bees
beeshiveA hive of bees
beesgristA grist of bees
beesbikeA bike of bees
beesswarmA swarm of bees
('swarm' generally refers to a group of bees flying) together
beesnestA nest of bees
beeserstAn erst of bees
beesdriftA drift of bees
('drift' generally refers to a group of bees flying) together
beesgameA game of bees
beeshumA hum of bees
beesrabbleA rabble of bees
beesstandA stand of bees
beesclusterA cluster of bees
beescastA cast of bees
beesfryA fry of bees
List of all collective nouns