T, t (noun) | the twentieth letter of the alphabet. |
tab (noun) | a small piece of paper, fabric, etc, sticking out from something larger; a small flap (the tab on the box of detergent). |
tabby (adjective) | with a grey or brown striped or wavy appearance. n 1 a tabby cat. 2 a female cat |
tabernacle (noun) | a place of worship. |
table | Collective noun for actuaries (A table of actuaries) (see list of collective nouns) |
table (noun) | 1 an article of furniture with legs and a flat top, used for placing or resting things on (the dining table). 2 a list of figures, names, facts, etc, arranged in columns (a table showing the times of the buses). vb to put forward for discussion (tabling a motion). turn the tables on to begin doing to another what he or she has been doing to you. |
table cloth (noun) | a piece of material that is spread over a dining table. |
table manners (noun, plural) | good behavior while at the dinner table. |
table tennis (noun) | a game like tennis, played with paddles and a light plastic ball on a table with a net across the middle. |
tableau (noun) | (pl tableaux ) a scene in which people stand motionless as if figures in a picture (the pageant consisted of a series of historical tableaux). |
tablespoon (noun) | a large spoon used for serving at table or as a measure in cooking. |
tablet (noun) | 1 a piece of cardboard or flat piece of metal or stone with some writing or signs on it (a tablet on the wall in memory of a local hero). 2 a small flat slab (a tablet of soap). 3 a pill (sleeping tablets). |
tabloid (noun) | a small-format newspaper usually with emphasis on photographs and news in condensed form. |
taboo (adjective) | set apart so as not to be touched or used, forbidden for religious reasons or because it is against social custom (alcohol is taboo in Muslim countries). n an order not to touch or use something. |
tabular (adjective) | set out in columns or tables (information in tabular form). |
tabulate (verb) | to arrange in columns or tables in a systematic way (tabulate the results of the experiment). n tabulation , tabulator |
Tachophobia | fear of speed (see list of phobias) |
tacit (adjective) | thought or intended, but not spoken (tacit agreement). |
taciturn (adjective) | speaking little, silent by nature (he was so taciturn that it was difficult to get to know him). n taciturnity |
tack (noun) | 1 a small sharp nail with a broad head. 2 a long loose stitch. 3 the zigzag course of a sailing ship when sailing against the wind. vb 1 to nail with tacks (tack the notice to the wall). 2 to sew with long loose stitches. 3 (of a sailing ship) to change course to catch the wind. 4 to add on (they had tacked an extra question onto the test paper). on the wrong tack on the wrong trail (the police were on the wrong tack in the murder investigation). |
tackle (noun) | 1 all the equipment needed for some sport or game (fishing tackle). 2 all the things necessary for a task. 3 a series of ropes, pulleys, etc, for raising weights, sails, etc. vb 1 to struggle with, to seize and pull down (tackle the bank robber). 2 (in hockey) to prevent from advancing with the ball. 3 to try to do (tackle the job). 4 to speak to or put questions to (he tackled him about the unemployment issue). |
tacky1 (adjective) | sticky (the paint is still tacky). n tackiness |
tacky2 (adjective) | (informal) cheap, in bad taste (tacky décor). n tackiness |
taco (noun) | a tortilla that is fried until crisp and folded, with a filling, used in Mexican cooking. |
tact (noun) | the ability to speak or behave without hurting the feelings of others; consideration (because of her tact and diplomacy she managed to avoid giving any offence). adj tactful , tactless adv tactfully , tactlessly |
tactical (adjective) | having to do with tactics (tactical military maneuvers). adv tactically |
tactician (noun) | 1 someone who is skilled in tactics. 2 someone who is quick to see a possible advantage. |
tactics (noun, plural) | 1 the art of moving armies or other warlike forces during battle. 2 any actions intended to gain an immediate advantage (they discussed the tactics required to win the match). |
tactile (adjective) | having to do with the sense of touch (the tactile qualities). |
tadpole (noun) | the young of a frog, toad, etc, just after it has come out of the egg. |
Taeniophobia | fear of tapeworms (see list of phobias) |
taffeta (noun) | a shiny silk material. |
tag1 (noun) | 1 the metal point at the end of a shoe-lace. 2 an address label. 3 a common quotation or saying. vb (tagged , tagging ) to fasten on. |
tag2 (noun), | also tig a children’s game in which one child chases the others, and the first child he or she catches and taps on the shoulder then becomes the chaser. |
tail (noun) | 1 a long hanging part of an animal’s body, situated at the end of the spine. 2 the back part of anything (the tail of the line). |
tail end (noun) | the last or back part (the tail end of his speech). |
tail light (noun) | the light at the back of a vehicle. |
tailcoat (noun) | a man’s coat, short in front, long and divided down the middle at the back. |
tailgate (noun) | a board for closing the back of a cart or truck. vb to drive too closely to another vehicle. |
tailor (noun) | a person who makes clothing, especially for men. vb to make clothing. |
tails (noun, plural) | 1 the reverse side of a coin. 2 a tailcoat. |
taint (verb) | to spoil or make bad (tainted meat/taint his reputation). n 1 a stain; an evil element that spoils the rest. 2 a mark of shame or disgrace. |
take (verb) | (pt took , pp taken ) 1 to seize or grasp. 2 to receive or accept. 3 to capture (the army took the city). 4 to carry. 5 to travel by (bus, etc). 6 to eat (take fruit). 7 to require (numbers, time, material, etc). take after to be like. take down to write (notes, etc). take for to think to be (they took him for a fool). take heart to become braver. take in 1 to deceive (they pretended to be working men and took in the old lady). 2 to understand (scarcely able to take in the news). 3 to make (a garment) smaller. take off 1 to remove. 2 to leave the ground when beginning to fly. 3 to imitate mockingly (to take off their boss). take on to agree to play or fight against. take over to get control of (take over the running of the store). take place to happen. take to to begin to like (he did not take to her). take up to begin to do or study. take up with to begin to go about with. |
take-out (noun) | ready-cooked food bought from a restaurant or store to be eaten elsewhere. |
takeover (noun) | an instance of getting control if something, especially a business. |
talc (noun) | 1 a glass-like mineral. 2 a fine powder for the skin made from this. |
talcum powder (noun) | a fine, perfumed powder made from talc (powder the baby with talcum). |
tale (noun) | a story. |
talent (noun) | special ability or skill (a talent for dealing with people). |
talented (adjective) | very clever. |
talisman (noun) | (pl talismans ) an object, word, or words supposed to possess magic powers. |
talk (verb) | to speak. n 1 a conversation. 2 a lecture (a talk on local history). 3 gossip (there is a lot of talk about their affair). talk over to discuss. talk (someone) around to convince. talk to to scold. |
talkative (adjective) | fond of talking. |
tall (adjective) | 1 high (he was over six feet tall). 2 above the usual height. |
tallow (noun) | the melted fat of animals. |
tally (noun) | 1 an account. 2 a score or count (keep a tally of money spent). vb to agree with, to fit (his account of events does not tally with hers). |
Talmud (noun) | the Jewish system of law. |
talon (noun) | the claw of a bird of prey (the eagle’s talons). |
tamale (noun) | a Mexican dish of spicy chopped meat rolled in cornmeal dough. It is cooked by steaming. |
tambourine (noun) | a small one-sided drum with rattling metal disks around its sides, played by hand. |
tame (adjective) | 1 not wild. 2 trained to be obedient. 3 not exciting, dull (life in the little village was considered tame). vb to make tame. |
tamper (verb) | to meddle with, to interfere with dishonestly or unlawfully (tamper with the evidence). |
tan (noun) | 1 bark of trees crushed for use in preparing leather. 2 a light brown color. 3 suntan (hope to get a tan on vacation). vb (tanned , tanning ) 1 to treat animal skins so as to turn them into leather. 2 to make or become brown from sunburn. adj light brown in color (tan shoes). |
tandem (adjective) | one behind the other. n a bicycle for two persons, one sitting behind the other. |
tandoori (noun) | an Indian way of cooking meat in a clay pot. |
tang (noun) | 1 a sharp taste (the tang of the sea air). 2 a characteristic flavor. |
tangent (noun) | a straight line touching a circle but not cutting it. go off at a tangent to begin talking about something quite different (his speech was difficult to follow as he would often go off at a tangent). |
tangible (adjective) | 1 able to be touched. 2 real, actual (no tangible evidence). adv tangibly |
tangle (verb) | 1 to interweave in a confused way that is difficult to undo. 2 to muddle. n 1 a mass of confusedly interwoven thread, string, etc. 2 a muddle, a complication. |
tango (noun) | a South American dance. |
tank (noun) | 1 a large container for storing water, oil, etc. 2 a fighting vehicle protected by thick metal plates and moving on caterpillar tracks (he watched the enemy tanks advance). |
tankard (noun) | a large metal drinking mug (a tankard of beer). |
tanker (noun) | a cargo ship with tanks for carrying oil. |
tanned (adjective) | 1 made brown by the sun (they were tanned after their vacation). 2 made into leather. |
tannery (noun) | a place where leather is made. |
tannic (adjective) | having to do with tannin (tannic acid). |
tannin (noun) | a substance found in the bark of the oak and certain other trees, used in tanning leather. |
tantalize (verb), | also tantalise (British spelling) to torment by raising false hopes (hungry people tantalized by the cooking smells). |
tantrum | Collective noun for decorators (A tantrum of decorators) (see list of collective nouns) |
tantrum (noun) | a fit of bad temper or ill-humor (the child had a tantrum). |
tap1 (noun) | 1 a stopper. 2 (British spelling) faucet. vb (tapped , tapping ) 1 to fit with a tap. 2 to draw liquid out of. 3 to obtain information from. |
tap2 (verb) | (tapped , tapping ) 1 to strike lightly (tap him on the shoulder). 2 to knock gently (tap the door). Also n. |
tap-dance (verb) | to dance with shoes with metal plates on the soles, making elaborate tapping sounds on the floor. n tap-dancer , tap-dancing |
tape (noun) | 1 a long narrow strip of cloth, paper, or sticky material (he used tape to seal the parcel). 2 a sensitized strip for recording and transmitting sound or pictures (audio-tape). Also vb. |
tape measure (noun) | a strong tape of cloth, metal, etc, used for measuring (measure her waist with a tape measure). |
tape recorder (noun) | a machine for recording and transmitting sounds on magnetic tape. n tape-recording |
taper (noun) | a long wick coated with wax, like a thin candle. vb to become narrow or thinner at one end. |
tapestry (noun) | a large piece of cloth in which different colored threads are worked together to make a picture, sometimes hung on walls as a decoration. |
tapeworm (noun) | a long tape-like worm sometimes found in the intestines. |
Taphephobia | fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries (see list of phobias) |
Taphophobia | fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries (see list of phobias) |
Tapinophobia | fear of being contagious (see list of phobias) |
tapioca (noun) | 1 an edible grain obtained from a West Indian plant. 2 a pudding made from it. |
tapir (noun) | a pig-like animal of South America. |
tar (noun) | 1 a thick black sticky substance obtained from wood or coal (get tar on his shoes from the road). 2 (old) a sailor. vb (tarred , tarring ) to coat with tar. |
tarantula (noun) | a large poisonous spider. |
tardy (adjective) | (old) slow, late (tardy in making a decision). n tardiness |
target (noun) | 1 something set up for aiming or shooting at (the archers set up a target). 2 a goal or result that you hope to achieve (the charity’s target was $20,000). vb to make someone the object or focus of something (they wanted to target single parents with their advertising campaign). |
tariff (noun) | 1 the tax to be paid on an imported commodity. 2 a list of the taxes to be paid on imported goods. 3 a list of charges. |
tarnish (verb) | 1 to make less bright, to discolor (it tarnished with age). 2 to spoil (tarnish their reputation). |
tarpaulin (noun) | strong cloth or canvas covered with tar to make it waterproof (cover the load in the trailer with a tarpaulin). |
tarragon (noun) | a plant with leaves that are used to add flavor in cooking. |
tarry1 (adjective) | coated with tar. |
tarry2 (verb) | (old or lit) to stay, to delay, to wait behind. |
tart1 (noun) | a pastry containing jam or fruit. |
tart2 (adjective) | 1 sharp-tasting (a tart sauce). 2 sour, biting, sarcastic (tart remarks). |
tartan (noun) | a plaid cloth with stripes and squares of different colors, especially when worn as part of Scottish Highland dress. |
tartar (noun) | 1 a crust of lime left by wine in a barrel. 2 a hard substance that forms on the teeth. 3 a hot-tempered person, a person who is hard to manage (everyone is frightened of her, she is a real tartar). |
task (noun) | a piece of work to be done (given the task of washing the dishes). vb to lay upon as a burden. |
task force (noun) | a group of people brought together to deal with a particular problem (a police task force appointed to reduce youth crime). |
taskmaster (noun) | (old) a person who sets work to be done and sees that it is done properly. |
tassel (noun) | an ornamental knot with loose threads hanging down from it (a beret with a tassel on it). |
taste (noun) | 1 the sense by which you judge whether food is pleasant or unpleasant (she had a cold and lost her sense of taste). 2 the ability to distinguish what is fine, beautiful, or correct from what is not so (have good taste in decor). 3 the flavor of food when eaten (soup lacking in taste). 4 a small portion of food for testing. vb 1 to eat to see whether pleasant or unpleasant. 2 to have a flavor (of) (this tastes of lemon). |
tasteful (adjective) | showing good taste or judgment (tasteful wallpaper). adv tastefully |
tasteless (adjective) | 1 having no flavor (tasteless food). 2 showing bad taste or judgment (a tasteless remark). |
tasty (adjective) | having a pleasing flavor (tasty food). |
tattered (adjective) | ragged (tattered clothing). |
tatters (noun, plural) | ragged clothing. |
tattle (verb) | to tell someone in authority about another’s mistake or wrongdoing to get them into trouble. |
tattletale (noun) | a person who tells others, in a gossipy way, about someone’s mistakes, wrongdoings or secrets to get them into trouble. |
tattoo1 (verb) | to make a colored design on the skin by pricking holes in it and filling them with colored matter (he tattooed her arm with a red butterfly). Also n. |
tattoo2 (noun) | 1 beating of a drum, blowing of a bugle, etc, to recall soldiers to camp at night. 2 a night display of military drill, exercises, etc, to music. |
tatty (adjective) | shabby, worn (a tatty old coat). |
taught (past tense) | of teach. |
taunt (verb) | to make fun of in order to hurt; to mock, to sneer at (taunt the boy because he is poor). n a mocking or hurtful remark. |
Taurophobia | fear of bulls (see list of phobias) |
taut (adjective) | stretched tight (pull the rope taut). |
tautology (noun) | saying the same thing again in different words. adj tautological |
tavern (noun) | an inn, a bar. |
tawdry (adjective) | showy but cheap or of bad quality (a store selling tawdry souvenirs). n tawdriness |
tawny (adjective) | yellowish-brown. |
tax (noun) | money paid to the government to help pay for public services. vb 1 to raise a tax. 2 to charge a tax on. 3 to accuse (tax him with cruelty). 4 to be a hard test for (tax his strength). adj taxable |
taxation (noun) | 1 all the taxes paid. 2 the charging of taxes. |
taxi (noun) | a motor car for hire, especially one fitted with a machine (taximeter) showing the amount to be paid as a fare. Also taxicab vb (of an airplane) to run along the ground (planes taxied down the runway). |
taxidermist (noun) | a person who is skilled in taxidermy. |
taxidermy (noun) | the art of stuffing the skins of dead animals to make them look like living animals. |
Taxonomy | study of plant, animals and microorganisms classification (see list of branches of science) |
tea (noun) | 1 a shrub found in India and China. 2 its leaves dried. 3 a drink made by pouring boiling water on dried tea leaves (a cup of tea). 4 a light afternoon or evening meal (invite them to tea). |
teach (verb) | (pt, pp taught ) 1 to give information about (teach English). 2 to show how to do something (she taught him how to drive). 3 to give lessons to (teach elementary students). n teaching |
teacher (noun) | 1 a person who teaches (a piano teacher). 2 a schoolmaster or schoolmistress. |
teak (noun) | an Indian tree producing very hard wood (a table made of teak). |
teal (noun) | a small freshwater wild duck. |
team | Collective noun for athletes (A team of athletes) (see list of collective nouns) |
team | Collective noun for footballers (A team of footballers) (see list of collective nouns) |
team | Collective noun for players (A team of players) (see list of collective nouns) |
team | Collective noun for workers (A team of workers) (see list of collective nouns) |
team (noun) | 1 a number of persons working together for the same purpose (a team of workers). 2 a set of players on one side in a game (a baseball team). 3 a number of horses, oxen, etc, harnessed together. |
teamwork (noun) | united effort for the common good. |
tear gas (noun) | a gas that makes your eyes water, sometimes used to disperse a crowd |
tear1 (noun) | a drop of water appearing in or falling from the eyes (the tragedy brought tears to his eyes). |
tear2 (verb) | (pt tore , pp torn ) 1 to pull apart or into pieces (tear paper). 2 to pull with violence (tear her hair). 3 (informal) to rush (she tore upstairs). n a hole or division made by tearing (there was a tear in her jacket). |
tearful (adjective) | weeping (in a tearful mood). adv tearfully |
tease (verb) | 1 to annoy by making fun of. 2 to pull apart wool, hair, etc, into separate strands. 3 to comb wool to give it a hairy surface. n a person who annoys another by teasing. |
teaser (noun) | a difficult problem. |
teaspoon (noun) | a small spoon for use with tea or as a measure in cooking. |
teat (noun) | 1 the part of the breast from which milk may be sucked or drawn. 2 (British spelling) a rubber attachment through which a baby sucks milk from a bottle; a nipple. |
technical (adjective) | having to do with a particular art, science, or craft (technical language). |
technicality (noun) | 1 a technical word or phrase. 2 a small detail or rule (disqualified on a technicality). |
technically (adverb) | strictly speaking (the tomato is, technically, a fruit). |
technician (noun) | a person who is skilled in a particular art or craft. |
technique (noun) | the method of doing something that requires skill (his technique as a portrait painter). |
technology (noun) | 1 the application of science, especially to industrial or commercial objectives. 2 the methods, theory, and practices governing such application (a highly developed technology). adj technological n technologist |
Technophobia | fear of technology (see list of phobias) |
Tectonics | study of structure of objects, buildings and landforms (see list of branches of science) |
teddy , teddy bear (noun) | a child’s toy bear. |
tedious (adjective) | long and boring, tiresome (it was a tedious job). |
tedium (noun) | boredom; long-drawn-out dullness (the tedium of factory work). |
tee (noun) | 1 the starting place for each “hole” in golf. 2 a peg or small mound on which the ball may be placed for the first shot at each “hole” in golf. |
teem (verb) | to be full of (rivers teeming with fish). |
teenager (noun) | a person who is aged between thirteen and nineteen. adj teenage |
teens (noun, plural) | the ages from 13 to 19. |
teethe (verb) | plural of tooth. |
teethe (verb) | to grow your first teeth (babies teething). |
teetotal (adjective) | taking no alcoholic drinks. n teetotaler , also teetotaller (British spelling) |
Tegestology | collection of beermats or coasters (see list of hobbies) |
tele- | prefix far, at, or to a distance. |
telecommunications (noun) | the technology or industry involved in transmitting information electronically over long distances by means of wires, radio signals, satellite, etc. |
telegram (noun) | a message sent by telegraph. |
telegraph (noun) | an apparatus for sending messages over a distance, especially by means of electricity. vb to send by telegraph. adj telegraphic n telegraphy |
Teleology | study of final causes; analysis in terms of purpose (see list of branches of science) |
Teleophobia | fear of definite plans (see list of phobias) |
telepathy (noun) | the power to pass thoughts to, or receive them from, another, even if far away, without the use of words or signs (he knew by telepathy that his sister was sick). |
telephone (noun) | an apparatus by means of which you may speak with a person at a distance by means of electric currents carried along wires. vb to speak with or communicate by telephone (he telephoned his doctor). abbreviation phone. |
telephonist (noun) | (British) a person who operates a telephone switchboard; operator. |
Telephonophobia | fear of telephones (see list of phobias) |
telephoto lens (noun) | a lens on a camera enabling it to take pictures from a great distance. |
telescope (noun) | an instrument consisting of lenses set in a tube or tubes that, when looked through, makes distant objects appear larger. vb 1 to slide together, one section fitting into another, as with a telescope. 2 to become shorter by one part sliding over the other. |
telescopic (adjective) | 1 having to do with a telescope. 2 able to be seen only by means of a telescope (a telescopic image). 3 something that telescopes (a telescopic umbrella). |
televise (verb) | to transmit by television. |
television (noun) | 1 the transmission of moving images, generally with accompanying sound, via electric or electromagnetic signals. 2 the apparatus (also called a television set or TV) designed to receive and convert these incoming electric signals (he bought himself a new TV). |
tell (verb) | (pt, pp told ) 1 to give an account of. 2 to let another know of by speaking to them. 3 to count. 4 to have an effect (his illness is telling on him). |
teller (noun) | 1 a bank clerk who receives and pays out cash. 2 a person who is appointed to count votes. |
telling (adjective) | very effective (a telling remark). |
tell-tale (adjective) | 1 giving information (tell-tale signs). 2 revealing what was meant to be secret. n a person who tells what another has done to get him or her into trouble. |
Telmatology | study of swamps (see list of branches of science) |
temerity (noun) | boldness, rashness (he had the temerity to question the judge). |
temper (noun) | 1 anger (in a real temper). 2 mood, state of mind (in a good temper). 3 the correct hardness of metal. vb 1 to make less severe. 2 to harden (metal). 3 to mix in proper proportions. |
temperament (noun) | 1 your character. 2 the usual state of your mind or feelings. |
temperamental (adjective) | easily excited, changing mood quickly. adv temperamentally |
temperate (adjective) | 1 taking neither too much nor too little. 2 neither too hot nor too cold (a temperate climate). |
temperature (noun) | degree of heat or cold. take your temperature to find the degree of heat of your body (take the baby’s temperature). |
tempest (noun) | a violent storm. |
Tempestology | study of tropical cyclones, e.g. hurricanes (see list of branches of science) |
tempestuous (adjective) | very stormy; violent (a tempestuous relationship). |
template (noun) | a pattern or mold used as a guide for shaping things. |
temple1 (noun) | 1 a place of worship. 2 a church. |
temple2 (noun) | the side of the head above the end of the cheekbone and between the ear and the forehead. |
tempo (noun) | (pl tempos or tempi ) the speed at which a piece of music is played. |
temporal (adjective) | 1 (formal) having to do with time. 2 worldly; having to do with life on earth. |
temporary (adjective) | lasting for a time only, not permanent (a temporary job). adv temporarily |
tempt (verb) | 1 to try to get someone to do what he or she ought not to do (he tried to tempt her with another drink). 2 to arouse desire in. n tempter , temptress |
temptation (noun) | 1 the desire to have or do something that you know you should avoid. 2 something or someone that tempts. |
tempting (adjective) | 1 attractive. 2 arousing desire. |
ten (noun) | the number 10, coming between nine and eleven. |
tenacious (adjective) | 1 holding on firmly (a tenacious hold on the branch). 2 not giving in easily, stubborn (a tenacious fighter). adv tenaciously n tenacity |
tenancy (noun) | 1 the renting of property. 2 property for which a rent is paid. 3 the time during which you rent property. |
tenant (noun) | a person who occupies rented property. |
tend1 (verb) | 1 to incline to (he tends to get angry very easily). 2 to have a leaning toward (he tends to be shy in company). |
tend2 (verb) | to care for, to look after (tend sheep). |
tendency (noun) | a leaning toward, an inclination or liability to do certain things more than others (a tendency to drink too much). |
tender1 (adjective) | 1 soft, gentle, and loving. 2 easily hurt. adv tenderly n tenderness |
tender2 (verb) | (formal) to offer or present (he came to tender his resignation). n an offer, especially one to do work at a certain price. |
tender3 (noun) | 1 a small boat carrying stores, etc, to a larger one. 2 a wagon or truck attached to a locomotive to carry coal, water, etc, for it. |
tendon (noun) | a strong cord-like band joining a muscle to a bone. |
tendril (noun) | 1 a slender curling shoot by which some plants cling to supports when climbing. 2 a wispy curl of hair. |
tenement (noun) | an apartment building, especially a rundown and crowded one in the city. |
tenet | Collective noun for palindromes (A tenet of palindromes) (see list of collective nouns) |
tennis (noun) | a game played across a net by striking a ball to and fro with rackets. |
tenor (noun) | 1 the higher men’s singing voice in the ordinary range. 2 the general meaning (the tenor of his speech). |
tense1 (noun) | a set of forms of the verb that indicate time. |
tense2 (adjective) | 1 stretched tight (keep the rope tense). 2 strained (his job makes him feel tense). 3 excited from expectation (tense with excitement). adv tensely. |
tension (noun) | 1 act of stretching. 2 tightness, strain. 3 excitement due to expectation. |
tent (noun) | a portable shelter of canvas, supported by poles, stretched and held in position by cords. |
tentacle (noun) | a slender boneless limb of various creatures, used for feeling, gripping, or moving (the tentacles of an octopus). |
tentative (adjective) | done as an experiment or trial (a tentative approach). adv tentatively |
tenterhooks (noun, plural) | on tenterhooks anxious or excited because of doubt or suspense (on tenterhooks waiting for the exam results). |
tenth (adjective) | 10th, coming after nine others. n one of ten equal parts. |
tenuous (adjective) | thin, slender (a tenuous connection between the events). |
tenure | Collective noun for professors (A tenure of professors) (see list of collective nouns) |
tenure (noun) | the holding or conditions of holding land, office, etc. |
tepee (noun) | a cone-shaped Native American tent made of skins. |
tepid (adjective) | lukewarm (a tepid bath). |
Teratology | study of birth defects and later abnormalities in living organisms (see list of branches of science) |
Teratophobia | fear of bearing a deformed child or monster (see list of phobias) |
term (noun) | 1 a limited period of time (during the term of the contract). 2 a word or phrase used in a particular study (a technical term). 3 a time when law courts are dealing with cases. 4 (British spelling) a division of the school year. vb to name, to call ( I would term him a friendly person). npl conditions, charge, price (the terms of the loan agreement). come to terms to make an agreement. on good terms friendly. |
terminal (adjective) | having to do with the end or last part (a terminal illness). n 1 the station at the end of a railroad line or route. 2 an airport building where passengers arrive and depart from. 3 one of the screws to which an electric wire is attached to make a connection. 4 a computer monitor and keyboard. adv terminally |
terminate (verb) | to bring or come to an end (terminate the agreement). |
termination (noun) | end, ending. |
terminology (noun) | the words, phrases, etc, special to a particular branch of study. |
termite (noun) | a white ant. |
tern (noun) | a sea bird like a gull, but smaller. |
terrace (noun) | 1 a raised bank of earth with a flat area on top. 2 (British spelling) one of a series of houses, usually similar in design, situated side by side and joined by common walls; a row house. |
terraced (adjective) | having terraces (he lived in a terraced house in London). |
terracotta (noun) | 1 a reddish-brown pottery. 2 its color. Also adj. |
terrain (noun) | a stretch of country (rocky terrain). |
terrapin (noun) | a type of tortoise. |
terrestrial (adjective) | having to do with the earth. |
Terrestrial ecology | study of terrestrial environment (see list of branches of science) |
terrible (adjective) | 1 frightening, causing dread (a terrible scream). 2 very bad (a terrible experience). adv terribly |
terrier (noun) | a small dog that is good at hunting. |
terrific (adjective) | 1 exceptionally good (a terrific concert). 2 frightening, causing dread. adv terrifically |
terrify (verb) | to make very frightened. |
territorial (adjective) | having to do with a certain district or piece of land. |
territory (noun) | a district or piece of land, especially one that belongs to a person, a nation, etc. |
terror | Collective noun for terriers (A terror of terriers) (see list of collective nouns) |
terror (noun) | 1 great fear, dread. 2 terrorism (the war against terror). |
terrorism (noun) | the use of, or the threat of, extreme violence for political purposes. |
terrorist (noun) | a person who uses, or threatens to use, extreme violence for political purposes. |
terrorize (verb), | also terrorise (British spelling) 1 to make very frightened. 2 to make a country or a person do what is desired by causing fear. |
terror-stricken (adjective) | full of fear or dread. |
terse (adjective) | short and to the point (a terse statement of resignation). adv tersely. n terseness |
test (noun) | an examination or trial intended to reveal quality, ability, progress, etc. vb 1 to try the quality of (test the new car). 2 to examine (test his French). |
test pilot (noun) | a person who tests an aircraft by making it perform difficult maneuvers. |
test tube (noun) | a glass tube open at one end, used for scientific experiments. |
testament (noun) | 1 in law, a person’s will. 2 one of the two main divisions of the Bible (Old Testament, New Testament). |
testator (noun) | a person who leaves a will at death. f testatrix |
testify (verb) | 1 to give evidence. 2 to say publicly what you believe to be true (he was happy to testify to her honesty). |
testimonial (noun) | 1 a letter stating a person’s good qualities and abilities. 2 a gift presented as a sign of respect. |
testimony (noun) | evidence, a public statement of belief (give his testimony in court). |
Testophobia | fear of taking tests (see list of phobias) |
testy (adjective) | irritable, easily angered (a testy old man). |
Tetanophobia | fear of lockjaw, tetanus (see list of phobias) |
tetanus (noun) | a disease causing cramp in the muscles and making the jaw so stiff that it cannot move. |
tête-à-tête (noun) | a private talk between two people. |
tether (verb) | to tie an animal by a rope to a stake of some kind. n a stake, etc. at the end of your tether at the end of your strength or endurance (she left the job because she was at the end of her tether). |
tetra- | prefix four. |
tetragon (noun) | a four-sided figure. |
tetrahedron (noun) | a solid figure with four sides shaped like a pyramid. |
Teuthology | study of cephalopods (see list of branches of science) |
Teutophobia | fear of Germany or German things. (see list of phobias) |
text (noun) | 1 the words actually written by the author (not including notes, drawings, etc). 2 a short passage from the Bible. 3 subject, topic (the text of his speech). 4 a text message (she sent me a quick text about the plans for our night out). vb to send a text message to. |
text message (noun) | a message typed into a cellphone and sent to another cellphone. |
textbook (noun) | a book about a subject written for those studying it (a math textbook). |
textile (noun) | a fabric made by weaving. adj having to do with or made by weaving. |
Textology | study of the production of texts (see list of branches of science) |
Textophobia | fear of certain fabrics (see list of phobias) |
texture (noun) | 1 the way in which a fabric or cloth, etc, is woven. 2 the quality of woven cloth. |
Thaasophobia | fear of sitting (see list of phobias) |
Thalassography | study of seas and gulfs (see list of branches of science) |
Thalassophobia | fear of the sea (see list of phobias) |
than (conjunction) | compared with (Jack is older than Kristina). |
Thanatology | study of death and its customs (see list of branches of science) |
Thanatophobia | fear of death or dying (see list of phobias) |
thank (verb) | to express pleasure to another for something done, etc, to express gratitude. |
thankful (adjective) | grateful, full of gratitude (thankful that the children were safe). adv thankfully |
thankless (adjective) | ungrateful (a thankless pupil); for which you will receive no thanks (it was a thankless task). |
thanks (noun, plural) | an expression of gratitude. |
thanksgiving (noun) | the act of giving thanks, especially to God at harvest time (a service in the church for thanksgiving). |
Thanksgiving Day (noun) | 1 the fourth Thursday in November, observed as a national holiday in the United States. |
that (adjective) | and pron (pl those ) being the person or thing there (that man with the black hair; that is my house over there). pron who or which (this is the dress that I bought in New York). (conjunction) introduces a statement, a wish, etc (he said that he was hungry). |
thatch (noun) | straw used as a cover for the roof of a house. vb to put thatch on (thatch the cottage roof). n thatcher |
Thaumatology | study of miracles (see list of branches of science) |
thaw (verb) | 1 to melt (the snow began to thaw in the sun). 2 to become more friendly. n a state or time of thawing. |
the (definite article) | referring to a particular person or thing (the woman in black). |
theater (noun), | also theatre (British spelling) 1 a building or hall in which plays are acted. 2 a lecture hall. 3 a scene of action (the theater of war). 4 (British spelling) a room in a hospital where surgeons perform operations. |
theatrical (adjective) | 1 having to do with plays or the theater. 2 behaving as if acting in a play (her theatrical reaction to the news). adv theatrically |
theatricals (noun, plural) | dramatic performances. |
Theatrophobia | fear of theatres (see list of phobias) |
thee (pronoun) | (old) you (sing). |
theft (noun) | act of stealing (the theft of her car). |
their , theirs (adjective) | and pron (possessive) belonging to them. |
theism (noun) | belief in the existence of God. n theist. |
them (noun) | the form of “they” used when the object of a sentence (I saw them at the ball game). |
theme (noun) | 1 subject, topic (the theme of his talk was interesting and instructive). 2 a set of notes played several times in a piece of music. |
theme park (noun) | an amusement park based around a particular theme. |
themselves (pronoun) | the reflexive form of “they” (the girls are old enough to take care of themselves). |
then (adverb) | 1 at that time. 2 after that. 3 therefore. |
thence (adverb) | 1 from that time or place. 2 for that reason. |
theologian (noun) | an expert in, or a student of, theology. |
theological (adjective) | having to do with theology. |
Theologicophobia | fear of theology (see list of phobias) |
theology (noun) | the study of the existence of God and people’s beliefs about God. |
Theophobia | fear of god or religion (see list of phobias) |
theorem (noun) | an idea that can be proved true by reasoning (a geometrical theorem in math). |
theoretical (adjective) | based on ideas, not on practice (he put forward a theoretical solution to the problem). adv theoretically |
theorize (verb), | also theorise (British spelling) 1 to suggest explanations. 2 to put forward theories (he was theorizing on the problem). |
theory (noun) | 1 an explanation that seems satisfactory but has not been proved true. 2 a set of ideas or rules on how something should be done. |
therapeutic (adjective) | having to do with therapy. |
therapy (noun) | the treatment and cure of disease (cancer therapy). n therapist |
there (adverb) | in that place. |
thereafter (adverb) | after that. |
thereby (adverb) | by that means. |
therefore (adverb) | for this or that reason. |
Theriatrics | study of veterinary medicine (see list of branches of science) |
Theriogenology | study of animals' reproductive systems (see list of branches of science) |
thermal (adjective) | having to do with heat, hot (thermal currents). |
Thermodynamics | study of relation of heat to motion (see list of branches of science) |
thermodynamics (noun) | the study of heat as a source of power. |
Thermokinematics | study of motion of heat (see list of branches of science) |
Thermology | study of heat (see list of branches of science) |
thermometer (noun) | an instrument for measuring degrees of heat (an oven thermometer). |
Thermophobia | fear of heat (see list of phobias) |
thermostat (noun) | an instrument that mechanically controls temperature and keeps it steady (a central heating thermostat). |
Thermos™ bottle (noun) | a flask for keeping hot liquid hot or cold liquid cold. |
Therology | study of wild mammals (see list of branches of science) |
thesaurus (noun) | a reference book containing synonyms and antonyms. |
these | plural of this. |
thesis (noun) | 1 an opinion to be defended in writing or discussion. 2 an essay on a subject submitted for a higher university degree. |
they (pronoun) | the people or things already mentioned (while the boys were playing they lost their ball). |
they’d | contraction they had. |
they’ll | contraction they will. |
they’re | contraction they are. |
they’ve | contraction they have. |
thick (adjective) | 1 broad (thick slices of meat). 2 fat. 3 not easily seen through (thick fog). 4 (informal) slow to understand (her boyfriend is really thick). n the most crowded part (the thick of the crowd). adv thickly n thickness |
thicken (verb) | to make or become thicker (he tried to thicken the sauce with flour). |
thicket | Collective noun for idiots (A thicket of idiots) (see list of collective nouns) |
thicket (noun) | a group of trees, shrubs, etc, growing close together. |
thick-skinned (adjective) | slow to feel or resent insults. |
thief (noun) | (pl thieves ) a person who steals (the thief took her purse). |
thieving (adjective) | given to stealing. |
thigh (noun) | the part of the leg above the knee. |
thimble (noun) | a metal or plastic cap to protect the finger in sewing. |
thin (adjective) | 1 not thick. 2 not fat; lean, skinny, slim. 3 not crowded (the audience was a little thin). 4 not convincing (a thin excuse). vb to make or become thin. adv thinly n thinness |
thing (noun) | 1 any single existing object. 2 whatever may be thought of or spoken about. 3 a happening. npl your belongings. |
think (verb) | (pt, pp thought , thinking ) 1 to form ideas in the mind, to consider (no time to think). 2 to believe; to hold as an opinion (he thinks it is wrong). |
thinker (noun) | 1 a person who thinks. 2 a person who tries to work out an explanation of life, etc, for himself or herself. |
thinking (adjective) | able to think or reason. |
thin-skinned (adjective) | quick to feel or resent insults, easily upset. |
third (adjective) | 3rd, coming after second. n one of three equal parts. |
thirst (noun) | 1 the need or desire to drink. 2 a strong desire for anything. vb 1 to feel thirst. 2 to desire strongly. |
thirsty (adjective) | 1 wanting or needing a drink. 2 dry. 3 causing thirst (thirsty work). adv thirstily |
thirteen (noun) | the number 13, coming between twelve and fourteen. |
thirteenth (adjective) | 13th, coming after twelfth. n one of thirteen equal parts. |
thirtieth (adjective) | 30th, coming after twenty-ninth. n one of thirty equal parts. |
thirty (noun) | the number 30, coming between twenty-nine and thirty-one. |
this (adjective) | and pron (pl these ) being the person or thing here (this painting here/this is my sister). |
thistle (noun) | a prickly plant with a purple head, the national emblem of Scotland. |
thong (noun) | 1 a strap of hide or leather. 2 a sandal consisting of a sole and straps from either side that pass between the first and second toe. 3 a woman’s undergarment for the lower body that leaves the buttocks uncovered. |
thorn (noun) | 1 a prickle on the stem of a plant. 2 a bush or plant with prickles. thorn in one’s flesh a cause of trouble or difficulty; an irritation (her lack of respect is a thorn in his flesh). |
thorny (adjective) | 1 prickly. 2 difficult, troublesome. |
thorough (adjective) | 1 complete (a thorough job). 2 doing work with great care (a thorough person). adv thoroughly n thoroughness |
thoroughfare (noun) | a road open to the public and to traffic. |
those | plural of that. |
though (preposition) | despite the fact that. |
thought | Collective noun for barons (A thought of barons) (see list of collective nouns) |
thought (past tense) | of think. n 1 the power or act of thinking. 2 what you think, an idea (a sad thought). |
thoughtful (adjective) | 1 given to thinking. 2 considerate, thinking of others. adv thoughtfully n thoughtfulness |
thoughtless (adjective) | 1 not thinking before acting. 2 inconsiderate, not thinking of others (a thoughtless remark that hurt her mother). adv thoughtlessly. n thoughtlessness |
thousand (adjective) | and n ten hundred. |
thrall | Collective noun for bridegrooms (A thrall of bridegrooms) (see list of collective nouns) |
thrash (verb) | 1 to beat hard, to flog. 2 to move around in an uncontrolled way. |
thrashing (noun) | a hard beating, a flogging. |
thread (noun) | 1 a fine strand of any substance (e.g. cotton, wool, etc) drawn out and twisted to make a cord. 2 the spiral ridge running around and around a screw, etc. 3 the main connected points running through an argument (lose the thread of the speech). vb 1 to pass thread or fine cord through. 2 to make your way through. |
threadbare (adjective) | (of clothing) having the fluffy surface worn off; shabby, frequently used, and so no longer fresh or new. |
threat (noun) | 1 a promise to hurt or punish another in future. 2 a warning of harm to come (the threat of unemployment). |
threaten (verb) | 1 to make threats to. 2 to be a sign of coming harm, evil, etc (it was threatening to snow). adj threatening adv threateningly |
threatening | Collective noun for courtiers (A threatening of courtiers) (see list of collective nouns) |
three (noun) | the number 3, coming between two and four. |
Thremmatology | study of breeding domestic animals and plants (see list of branches of science) |
Threpsology | study of nutrition (see list of branches of science) |
thresh (verb) | to separate seed from straw by beating it or putting it through a machine. |
threshing machine (noun) | a machine that separates seed from straw. |
threshold (noun) | 1 the plank or stone you cross when passing through a door. 2 the beginning (on the threshold of a new career). |
thrice (adverb) | three times. |
thrift (noun) | care in spending or using up, the habit of saving and not wasting. |
thrifty (adjective) | careful in spending, saving (a thrifty attitude to money). adv thriftily |
thrill | Collective noun for brides (A thrill of brides) (see list of collective nouns) |
thrill | Collective noun for fans (A thrill of fans) (see list of collective nouns) |
thrill (noun) | a sudden feeling of excitement or emotion. vb to excite, to cause a thrill in. |
thriller (noun) | a story written to excite or horrify. |
thrilling (adjective) | very exciting. |
thrive (verb) | 1 to do well (the baby continues to thrive). 2 to be or become strong or successful (a business that was thriving). |
throat (noun) | 1 the front of the neck. 2 the opening downward at the back of the mouth and the pipe leading down from it. |
throb (verb) | 1 to beat, as the heart. 2 (of pain) to increase and decrease at short regular intervals. Also n. |
throne (noun) | the chair occupied by a monarch or bishop. |
throng (noun) | a crowd. vb to go in crowds, to crowd together (people thronged to the hall). |
throttle (noun) | 1 the throat or windpipe. 2 a lever working a valve that controls the supply of steam, gasoline, etc, to an engine. vb 1 to choke or strangle. 2 to cut down the supply of steam, etc, by using a throttle. |
through (preposition) | 1 from end to end. 2 from beginning to end. 3 by means of (get to the top through hard work). 4 because of. adv from end to end. adj going all the way without requiring changes (he was travelling on the through train). |
throughout (adverb) | in every way or part (a house painted throughout). (preposition) all the way through (throughout the day). |
throw (verb) | (pt threw , pp thrown ) 1 to fling or cast (throw a stone in the river). 2 to make to fall on the ground (e.g. in wrestling). n 1 act of throwing. 2 the distance to which something can move or be flung through the air. |
thrum (verb) | (thrummed , thrumming ) 1 to play (a musical instrument) carelessly. 2 to play by pulling the strings of. |
thrush1 (noun) | a song-bird. |
thrush2 (noun) | a fungal disease of the mouth (usually in infants), and the genitals. |
thrust (verb) | 1 to push with force (thrust the door open). 2 to stab at or into. 3 to push forward. n 1 a sudden or violent push. 2 a stab. |
thud (noun) | a low dull sound, as of a muffled blow (the thud of the heavy packet hitting the floor). Also vb (thudded , thudding ). |
thug (noun) | a ruffian. |
thumb (noun) | the shortest and thickest of the fingers. vb to dirty with marks of the thumb or fingers. rule of thumb a rough rule based on practice. under someone’s thumb under the control or influence of someone (he is said to be under his girlfriend’s thumb). |
thump (noun) | a dull heavy blow. vb to beat heavily. |
thunder (noun) | 1 the sound that follows lightning. 2 any loud rumbling noise (the thunder of passing trucks). vb 1 to make thunder. 2 to make a loud noise. adj thundery (of weather) hot and close, as before a thunderstorm. |
thunderbolt (noun) | a flash of lightning. |
thunderclap (noun) | a peal of thunder. |
thunderous (adjective) | like thunder, very loud (thunderous applause). |
thunderstorm (noun) | a spell of thunder, lightning, and heavy rain. |
thunderstruck (adjective) | amazed, astonished (thunderstruck at the news). |
Thursday (noun) | the fifth day of the week. |
thus (adverb) | in this way. |
thwack (verb) | to beat hard. n a heavy blow. |
thwart (verb) | to prevent from succeeding (thwart him in his attempts to gain promotion). |
thyme (noun) | a herb with small leaves, used in cooking. |
tiara (noun) | a jeweled band, like a small crown, worn on the head by ladies. |
tibia (noun) | the shin-bone (a fracture of the tibia). |
tic (noun) | an involuntary movement of a muscle, especially in the face. |
tick1 (noun) | 1 the sound made by a watch or clock (he heard the tick of the clock). 2 a mark made when checking or correcting. Also vb. |
tick2 (noun) | a small blood-sucking insect. |
ticket (noun) | 1 a marked card giving its possessor the right to do something (e.g. travel by train, enter a theater, etc) (his weekly rail ticket). 2 a label. |
tickle (verb) | 1 to cause discomfort or make laugh by touching or prodding lightly a sensitive part of the body. 2 (informal) to please, to amuse. |
ticklish (adjective) | 1 easily tickled. 2 difficult, requiring careful management (a ticklish problem). |
tidal (adjective) | having to do with tides. |
tidal wave (noun) | a gigantic wave caused by the force of the moon and sun. |
tidbit (noun), | also titbit (British spelling) a tasty piece of food (tidbits for the dog). |
tide (noun) | 1 the regular rise and fall, or ebb and flow, of the sea. 2 time, season. |
tiding | Collective noun for magpies (A tiding of magpies) (see list of collective nouns) |
tidings (noun, plural) | (old or fml) news (bring tidings of his death). |
Tidology | study of tides (see list of branches of science) |
tidy (adjective) | neatly arranged, orderly. vb to arrange neatly (tidy the room). adv tidily n tidiness |
tie (verb) | 1 to fasten with cord, rope, etc (tie the dog up). 2 to make a knot in. 3 (in a game or contest) to be equal (with). n 1 a connection, bond (family ties). 2 a draw (i.e. an equal score). 3 a match in a knock-out competition (the third-round tie). 4 (British spelling) a neck-tie. |
tie breaker (noun) | an extra game played to decide between participants in a game that has resulted in a draw. |
tier (noun) | one of a series of rows, e.g. of seats, arranged on a slope, so that each row is slightly higher than the one below it. |
tiff (noun) | a slight quarrel (a lover’s tiff). |
tig | see tag. |
tiger (noun) | a large fierce striped animal of the cat family. f tigress. |
tiger lily (noun) | a lily with spotted orange flowers. |
tight (adjective) | 1 close-fitting (a tight dress). 2 closely packed (a tight fit). 3 (informal) difficult, especially because of shortage of money. 4 (informal) drunk (get tight at the office party). |
tighten (verb) | to make or become tight (tighten the rope). adv tightly n tightness |
tightrope (noun) | a tightly stretched rope on which an acrobat walks and performs tricks. |
tights (noun, plural) | 1 a light, close-fitting garment covering the lower trunk and legs, worn by dancers. 2 (British spelling) see pantyhose. |
tigress | female tiger |
tile (noun) | a thin slab of baked clay or other suitable material for covering roofs, floors, etc. vb to cover with tiles (tile the wall). |
till1 (preposition) | up to the time of. (conjunction) up to the time when. |
till2 (noun) | in a store, a drawer for money. |
till3 (verb) | to plow and prepare for seed (farmer tilling the land). |
tiller (noun) | the handle of a rudder, a blade at the back of a boat by means of which it is steered. |
tilt | Collective noun for windmills (A tilt of windmills) (see list of collective nouns) |
tilt (verb) | to make to slope to one side, to lean (a floor that tilts). n a slant, a sloping position. |
timber (noun) | 1 wood for building, carpentry, etc. 2 trees from which such wood can be obtained. 3 a wooden beam used in the framework of a house or ship. |
Timbrology | study of postage stamps (see list of branches of science) |
time (noun) | 1 the measure of the passage of past, present, and future. 2 the moment of the hour, day, year, etc. 3 a season. 4 an occasion (a happy time). 5 the rhythm of a piece of music. vb 1 to see how long something lasts (time the race). 2 to see that something happens at the right moment (time his arrival well). for the time being meanwhile. |
timekeeper (noun) | a person who notes the times at which something begins and ends. |
timely (adjective) | (informal) happening at the right time (his timely arrival). |
timepiece (noun) | a watch or clock. |
timer (noun) | a device used for timing something. |
times (preposition) | multiplied by (two times three equals six). |
timetable (noun) | 1 a list of classes, giving times when they begin and end. 2 a list giving the times of arrival and departure of trains, buses, etc. |
timid (adjective) | easily made afraid or upset, shy (too timid to complain). adv timidly n timidity |
timorous (adjective) | fearful, timid. |
timpani (noun, plural) | kettledrums. |
tin (noun) | 1 a soft, light white metal. 2 (British spelling) a can. |
tincture | Collective noun for pharmacists (A tincture of pharmacists) (see list of collective nouns) |
tincture (noun) | 1 a shade of color. 2 a slight taste or flavor of something. 3 a drug dissolved in alcohol. |
tinder (noun) | an easily lit substance that catches light from a spark (used before the invention of matches). |
tinge (verb) | 1 to color slightly. 2 to have a slight effect on. n 1 a shade, a slight color (a reddish tinge). 2 a small amount. |
tingle (verb) | to feel a prickly or thrilling sensation (her fingers tingled with cold). |
tinker (noun) | (old) a person who goes from door to door, mending pots, kettles, etc. vb to play, fiddle or meddle with machinery (tinker with the car’s engine). |
tinkle (verb) | to make soft, bell-like sounds (the small bells round her ankle tinkled). Also n. |
tinned (adjective) | (British) canned (I love tinned soup). |
tinny (adjective) | sharp and harsh in sound. |
tin-opener (noun) | (British) can-opener. |
tinsel (noun) | 1 thin strips, threads, disks, etc, of shiny metal, used for decoration. 2 anything showy but of little value. |
tint (noun) | 1 a shade of color (a bluish tint). 2 a faint color. vb to color slightly. |
tiny (adjective) | very small (tiny insects). |
tip (noun) | 1 a narrow end or point. 2 a light blow. 3 money given as a present or for special help (a tip for the waiters). 4 a helpful hint (tips on removing stains). vb (tipped , tipping ) 1 to put a tip on. 2 to make to tilt. 3 to give a money tip to (tip the waiter). 4 to give a useful hint to. 5 to throw out (of) (tip the peas out of the can). |
tipple (verb) | to make a habit of taking strong liquor, to drink alcohol often. |
tipsy (adjective) | drunk, confused by strong liquor (tipsy after the office party). |
tiptoe (noun) | the point of the toe. vb 1 to walk on the points of the toes. 2 to walk very quietly (tiptoe out of the room). |
tiptop (adjective) | splendid, excellent (in tiptop condition). |
tirade (noun) | a long angry speech, a violently critical speech (their manager gave them a tirade on the subject of punctuality). |
tire1 (verb) | to make or become weary (the long journey tired her). adj tiring |
tire2 (noun), | also tyre (British spelling) a ring of iron or rubber around the outside rim of a wheel (my car has a flat tire). |
tired (adjective) | weary. |
tireless (adjective) | not easily wearied, having much energy. adv tirelessly |
tiresome (adjective) | boring, annoying (a tiresome day). |
tissue | Collective noun for lies (A tissue of lies) (see list of collective nouns) |
tissue (noun) | 1 any fine woven material. 2 substance (fat, muscle, etc) of which the parts of animals and plants are made. 3 a complete connected set. 4 a paper handkerchief (I used two boxes of tissues when I had my cold). |
tissue paper (noun) | thin soft paper for wrapping (wrap the china in tissue paper). |
tit (noun) | a small bird (blue tit). |
tit for tat (noun) | the act of getting your own back; a blow for a blow. |
titanic (adjective) | huge, gigantic. |
titanium (noun) | a silver-gray metal that is used to make alloys. |
titbit | see tidbit. |
titillate (verb) | 1 to tickle. 2 to give pleasure to (titillate the audience). n titillation |
titivate (verb) | to make neat or smart (titivating herself for the party). |
title (noun) | 1 the name of a book, piece of writing or music, picture, etc. 2 a name or word used in addressing someone, to indicate rank, office, etc. 3 a claim to ownership, a right. |
title role (noun) | the part of a character in a play whose name is the same as that of the play, e.g. Macbeth in Macbeth. |
titled (adjective) | being a member of the nobility. |
titter (verb) | to giggle (the girls tittered). Also n. |
tittle-tattle (noun) | gossip, foolish talk. |
titular (adjective) | having rank or title but no powers (the titular head of the country). |
TM | abbreviation for trademark used as the symbol that indicates a trademark, as in Thermos™ (I like to take a Thermos™ of tea to work). |
to (preposition) | used to show movement toward (driving to school). |
toad (noun) | a frog-like animal that lives both on land and in water. |
toadstool (noun) | a poisonous fungus, like a mushroom in shape. |
toady (noun) | (informal) a person who flatters another in order to gain his or her favor. vb to flatter or try to please in order to gain favor (he annoyed all of his fellow-workers when he toadied to the boss). |
toast (verb) | 1 to dry and brown by heat. 2 to warm at the fire (toast themselves by the fire). 3 to drink the health of (toast his friends). n 1 sliced bread browned by heat. 2 a person whose health is drunk. 3 a sentiment or thing to which you drink. 4 the act of raising your glass to drink to something. |
toaster (noun) | an electrical device for toasting bread. |
tobacco (noun) | the dried leaves of the tobacco plant, used for smoking or taken as snuff. |
toboggan (noun) | a narrow sled for sliding down snow-covered slopes. vb (tobogganed , tobogganing ) to go on a toboggan. |
Tocology | study of midwifery (see list of branches of science) |
Tocophobia | fear of pregnancy or childbirth (see list of phobias) |
today (adverb) | on this day. |
toddle (verb) | to walk with short unsteady steps, as a small child. |
toddler (noun) | a small child just beginning to walk. |
toddy (noun) | a mixture of liquor, sugar, and hot water. |
toe (noun) | one of the five finger-like members at the end of the foot. toe the line to behave as you are told. |
toffee (noun) | a kind of candy made of sugar and butter. |
toga (noun) | in ancient times, the garment of a Roman citizen. |
together (adverb) | with another or others, in company. |
toil | Collective noun for peasants (A toil of peasants) (see list of collective nouns) |
toil (verb) | to work hard. n hard work. n toiler |
toilet (noun) | 1 (old) the act of making yourself clean and tidy. 2 (British spelling) a bathroom or lavatory. |
toilet soap (noun) | soap for washing the body. |
token (noun) | 1 a mark or sign (a token of his friendship). 2 an object used to help to remember. 3 something used instead of money (bus token). |
Tokology | study of childbirth (see list of branches of science) |
Tokophobia | fear of pregnancy or childbirth (see list of phobias) |
told | past tense and past participle of tell. |
tolerable (adjective) | able to be put up with. adv tolerably |
tolerance , toleration (noun) | 1 patience. 2 readiness to allow what is displeasing, strange, or different to continue to exist (he has always shown great tolerance towards the beliefs of others). |
tolerant (adjective) | ready to tolerate, broad-minded (tolerant of their beliefs). |
tolerate (verb) | 1 to put up with (he could not tolerate the noise). 2 to allow (she will not tolerate shoddy work). |
toll1 (noun) | a tax charged for the use of a bridge, road, etc. |
toll2 (verb) | to ring slowly, as a bell at a funeral (church bells tolling). n a single stroke of a large bell. |
tomato (noun) | (pl tomatoes ) 1 a plant with a soft edible fruit. 2 the fruit of the tomato (fried green tomatoes). |
tomb (noun) | 1 a grave. 2 a cellar in which dead bodies are placed. |
tomboy (noun) | an energetic girl who is fond of boyish games and sports. |
tombstone (noun) | a stone placed over a grave giving the name, etc, of the person buried underneath. |
tome (noun) | a large heavy book (a tome on philosophy). |
tommy gun (noun) | a small machine gun. |
Tomophobia | fear of surgical operations or medical procedures (see list of phobias) |
tomorrow (adverb) | the day after today. |
ton (noun) | a measure of weight in the imperial system (1 ton = 20 hundredweight, 2000 lbs) and in the metric system (1 metric ton/tonne = 1000 kg) |
tone (noun) | 1 a sound. 2 the quality or pitch of a voice or sound. 3 the prevailing spirit or atmosphere (the tone of the meeting). 4 a shade of color (in tones of blue). vb to fit in with. tone down to soften, to make less harsh. adj tonal |
Tonetics | study of pronunciation (see list of branches of science) |
tongs (noun, plural) | an instrument with two arms between which things can be gripped for moving (lift the coal with tongs). |
tongue (noun) | 1 an organ in the mouth with the help of which you speak or taste. 2 anything shaped like a tongue (e.g. a leather flap in a shoe). 3 a language (a foreign tongue). 4 the clapper of a bell. hold your tongue to remain silent. |
tongue-tied (adjective) | unable to speak because of excitement or nervousness. |
tongue-twister (noun) | a group of words that is difficult to pronounce quickly. |
tonic (adjective) | 1 strengthening, giving vigor or health. 2 having to do with musical tones. n 1 a strengthening medicine (the sick boy was given a tonic). 2 a carbonated soft drink often mixed with gin or other alcoholic drinks. |
tonight (adverb) | on this night. |
Tonitrophobia | fear of thunder (see list of phobias) |
tonnage (noun) | the weight of goods a ship can carry. |
tonne (noun) | a metric ton (= 2204.6 lbs, 1000 kg). |
tonsil (noun) | one of the two glands at the back of the mouth. |
tonsillitis (noun) | a disease causing the tonsils to become swollen and sore. |
too (adverb) | 1 also (Steve is hungry and I am too). 2 excessively (too young to get married). |
took | past tense of take. |
tool (noun) | 1 an instrument for working with. 2 a person who does exactly what another wants him or her to do (a tool of the company’s management). |
toot (noun) | the sound of a horn. Also vb (drivers tooting their horns in impatience). |
tooth (noun) | (pl teeth ) 1 one of the bony projections rooted in the jaw, used for biting or chewing. 2 any tooth-shaped projection, as on a saw, comb, etc. have a sweet tooth to like eating sweet things. long in the tooth (informal) old (he is a bit long in the tooth to be at a disco). tooth and nail with great violence or fury (fight tooth and nail). |
toothache (noun) | a pain in a tooth (go to the dentist with a toothache). |
toothbrush (noun) | a brush for cleaning the teeth. |
toothpaste (noun) | a paste for cleaning the teeth. |
toothpick (noun) | a small stick used for removing anything stuck in or between the teeth. |
toothy (adjective) | having or showing large or sticking-out teeth (a toothy grin). |
top (noun) | 1 the highest part or place (the top of the tree). 2 the summit (the top of the mountain). 3 a toy for spinning. 4 a garment worn on the upper body, e.g. a sweater or a T-shirt. adj 1 highest. 2 most important. vb (topped, topping) 1 to be at the top of. 2 to hit the top of. 3 to do better than. |
top hat (noun) | a tall cylindrical hat covered with silk (the wedding guests wore top hats). |
topaz (noun) | a precious stone. |
top-heavy (adjective) | so heavy at the top that it may fall over (the load was top-heavy). |
topic (noun) | a subject of discussion. |
topical (adjective) | having to do with events of the present day (topical stories). |
topmost (adjective) | highest. |
Topography | study of the shape and features of land surfaces (see list of branches of science) |
Topology | study of places and their natural features (see list of branches of science) |
Toponymics | study of place-names (see list of branches of science) |
Topophobia | fear of certain places or situations, such as stage fright (see list of phobias) |
topping (noun) | a sauce or garnish that is put on the top of a hamburger, ice cream, etc. |
topple (verb) | 1 to fall over, to overbalance (much of the load toppled off). 2 to cause to fall. |
topsy-turvy (adjective) | confused, upside-down. |
torch (noun) | 1 (old) a piece of blazing wood carried or stuck up to give light. 2 (British spelling) flashlight. |
tore | past tense of tear. |
toreador (noun) | a Spanish bullfighter. |
Toreutics | study of artistic work in metal (see list of branches of science) |
torment | Collective noun for trainers (A torment of trainers) (see list of collective nouns) |
torment (noun) | 1 great suffering or agony. 2 great anxiety (the torment of waiting for the results of a blood test). vb torment 1 to cause distress or suffering to, to torture. 2 to tease (students tormenting the new boy). n tormentor |
torn | past participle of tear. |
tornado (noun) | (pl tornadoes ) a violent swirling wind or hurricane. |
torpedo (noun) | (pl torpedoes ) a long fish-shaped shell that can be fired through the water to hit another ship and explode on touching it. vb to hit or damage with a torpedo. |
torpid (adjective) | lacking energy, numb, inactive, dull (feeling torpid in the extreme heat). |
torrent (noun) | 1 a rushing stream. 2 a heavy downpour. |
torrential (adjective) | flowing with great violence, falling heavily and steadily (torrential rain). |
torrid (adjective) | 1 extremely hot. 2 dried up by heat. |
torso (noun) | the body not including the head or limbs (a statue of a torso). |
tortilla (noun) | a thin pancake made with cornmeal or wheat flour and wrapped around a filling, used in Mexican cooking. |
tortoise (British spelling) | a four-limbed reptile almost entirely covered in a hard shell; a turtle. |
tortoiseshell (noun) | the shell of a type of sea turtle used to make combs, rims of spectacles, etc, colored brown and yellow. |
tortuous (adjective) | crooked, twisting (tortuous mountain roads). |
torture (verb) | 1 to cause great suffering or anxiety to. 2 to cause pain to as a punishment or in order to obtain information from (he was tortured by the enemy). n extreme pain or anxiety. adj torturous |
toss (verb) | 1 to throw upward, to jerk upward (toss a coin in the air). 2 (of a ship) to roll about in rough seas. 3 to drink (off) quickly (toss off his soda). n a throw. toss up to throw up a coin to decide something by chance. |
tot (noun) | a small child. |
total (adjective) | 1 whole (the total cost). 2 complete (the car was a total wreck). n 1 the whole amount. 2 the result when everything has been added up. vb 1 to add up (total the items on the check). 2 to add up to. adv totally |
totalitarian (adjective) | allowing only one political party. |
totality (noun) | the complete amount. |
totem (noun) | an animal or plant taken by a tribe as an emblem and regarded as mysteriously connected with the tribe. totem pole a pole on which the totem or symbols of it are carried. |
totter (verb) | to stand or walk unsteadily, to stagger (tottering down the street in high-heeled shoes). |
toucan (noun) | a South American bird with a huge bill. |
touch (verb) | 1 to come to rest against any part of the body, especially the hand. 2 to be in contact. 3 to cause to feel emotion (touched by the poem). 4 to make a difference to, to concern (the changes in management did not touch her). n 1 act of coming against or being in contact with. 2 the ability to do really well something requiring skill (she has a magic touch with children). 3 the sense of feeling. 4 (in sports) the ground at the side of the marked field of play. |
touching (adjective) | moving the feelings, causing pity. |
touchline (noun) | (in sports) the side lines of the marked field of play. |
touchstone (noun) | something by comparison with which you judge other things, ideas, etc (a touchstone for the other students’ work). |
touchy (adjective) | easily angered or hurt (in a touchy mood). n touchiness |
tough | Collective noun for lesbians (A tough of lesbians) (see list of collective nouns) |
tough (adjective) | 1 hard to cut, tear, or chew; not tender (tough meat). 2 resilient, durable (tough material). 3 hardy and strong (a tough explorer). 4 rough-mannered (a tough gangster). 5 difficult to deal with (a tough problem). n a rough, vicious person. |
toughen (verb) | 1 to make tough. 2 to make better able to resist (toughen the plastic). |
tour (noun) | a journey, made for pleasure, to various places, usually ending up at the starting point. vb to go for a tour, to travel here and there (tour Canada). |
tourism (noun) | the providing of hotels, routes, etc, for tourists. |
tourist (noun) | a person who travels for pleasure, a sightseer. |
tournament (noun) | 1 a series of games between different competitors to see which is the best player or team (a tennis tournament). 2 (old) a display of fighting on horseback in which knights carried blunted arms. |
tourniquet (noun) | a bandage twisted tightly around a limb to prevent the flow of blood from a cut artery. |
tousle (verb) | 1 to disarrange, especially the hair (the wind had tousled her hair). 2 to make untidy. |
tout (verb) | to go about looking for customers or buyers (tout for business). n a person who touts (a ticket tout). |
tow1 (verb) | to pull along with a rope, chain, etc. n the act of towing. |
tow2 (noun) | fibers of flax or hemp. |
toward (preposition) | in the direction of. |
towel (noun) | a cloth for drying the body. vb (toweled , toweling , also towelled, towelling [Br]) to rub with a towel (she toweled her child after bathing him). |
tower (noun) | 1 a building much higher than it is broad. 2 a high part of another building, projecting above it. 3 a fortress. vb to rise high into the air (the mountains tower above the village) |
towering (adjective) | 1 very high or tall (a towering mountain). 2 very great (a towering rage). |
town (noun) | a group of houses, stores, etc, larger than a village but smaller than a city. |
toxic (adjective) | poisonous (the toxic substance in some plants). n toxicity |
Toxicology | study of poisons (see list of branches of science) |
toxicology (noun) | the study of poisons. n toxicologist |
toxin (noun) | a poison (the toxins in some plants). |
Toxiphobia | fear of poison or of being accidently poisoned (see list of phobias) |
toy (noun) | a plaything. vb to play with (the dog was toying with the kitten). |
trace (noun) | 1 a mark left behind (a trace of blood on the knife). 2 a footstep. 3 a sign of something that has happened or existed (there were traces of a struggle). vb 1 to copy a drawing onto transparent paper laid on top of it. 2 to follow the tracks of (the police traced him to his hide-out). adj traceable |
tracery (noun) | stone carved to form an open design, as in the windows of old churches. |
tracing (noun) | a drawing made by copying another drawing on to transparent paper laid on top of it. |
track (noun) | 1 a footprint. 2 the mark or rut left by a wheel. 3 a path made by coming and going (a track up the mountain). 4 a railroad line. 5 a course for races. vb 1 to follow the marks left by (track the wolf to its lair). 2 to pursue or search for someone or something until found (track down the source of the gas leak). |
track-and-field (noun) | competitive athletic events that involve running, jumping, or throwing (the track-and-field events). |
tract (noun) | 1 a wide area of land. 2 a short booklet, especially one about religion. |
traction (noun) | 1 the drawing of vehicles. 2 treatment of an injured limb by pulling on it gently with a device using weights and pulleys. |
traction engine (noun) | a steam engine for dragging loads on roads. |
tractor (noun) | a heavy motor vehicle used for drawing other vehicles or farm implements. |
trade (noun) | 1 the buying and selling of goods. 2 the exchanging of goods in large quantities. vb 1 to buy and sell. 2 to exchange in large quantities. |
trademark (noun) | 1 a trade name, sign or symbol that identifies the goods of a particular manufacturer and is officially registered and legally restricted to the use of that manufacturer. (Thermos is a trademark). 2 a distinctive characteristic or attribute (the strange hairstyle that became her trademark). |
trader (noun) | a person who buys and sells goods. |
tradesman , tradesperson (noun) | 1 a person engaged in trade. 2 a skilled manual worker (the carpenter and other tradesmen in the building trade). |
tradition (noun) | 1 the handing down of knowledge, customs, etc, from age to age by word of mouth (according to tradition). 2 any story, custom, etc, so handed down (village traditions). |
traditional (adjective) | according to or handed down by tradition (traditional Thanksgiving customs). adv traditionally |
traffic (noun) | 1 the coming and going of persons, vehicles, etc, between places. 2 trade. 3 the carrying of goods or persons in vehicles, etc. 4 all the vehicles on the roads (freeway traffic). vb (trafficked , trafficking ) to trade. |
tragedy (noun) | 1 a sad event, a disaster (his death was a tragedy). 2 a play showing the suffering caused by man’s inability to overcome evil (Shakespeare’s tragedies). |
tragic (adjective) | 1 having to do with tragedy (a tragic actor). 2 very sad (a tragic story). adv tragically |
trail (noun) | 1 the track or scent left by a moving creature (the stag’s trail). 2 a path or track made by coming and going (the mountain trail). vb 1 to drag along the ground (the child trailing her teddy bear). 2 to draw along behind. 3 to walk wearily (children trailing home from school). 4 to follow the tracks of (trail the fox to its lair). |
trailer (noun) | 1 a vehicle without an engine towed by another. 2 a mobile home. 3 a short part of a movie shown in advance as an advertisement for the movie. 4 a climbing plant. |
train (verb) | 1 to prepare or make to prepare by constant practice or teaching (train the basketball team). 2 to aim (train his gun on them). 3 to make to grow in a particular direction (train the vine along the wall). n 1 railroad cars or trucks drawn by an engine. 2 part of a dress that trails behind the wearer (the bride’s train). 3 a series (train of thought). n trainee |
trainer (noun) | a person who teaches animals or people to do something, often a sport (a trainer of racehorses). |
training (noun) | education, practice (soccer training). |
trait (noun) | a special characteristic by which you may know a person (his humor was his most endearing trait). |
traitor (noun) | a person who helps an enemy against his or her own country or friends. adj traitorous |
trajectory | Collective noun for astronauts (A trajectory of astronauts) (see list of collective nouns) |
trajectory (noun) | the path of a moving body (e.g. a bullet, a comet, etc). |
tram | see streetcar. |
tramp (verb) | 1 to walk heavily. 2 to travel on foot (it was a day’s tramp for the army). n 1 a journey on foot. 2 a person who has no home and walks about the countryside begging (the tramp begged for spare change). 3 the sound of heavy steps or many steps together (the tramp of soldiers on the march). |
trample (verb) | to walk heavily on top of (the animals trampled the crops). |
trampoline (noun) | a large piece of canvas or strong nylon joined to a metal frame by springs, used for jumping on. |
trance | Collective noun for lovers (A trance of lovers) (see list of collective nouns) |
trance (noun) | a state in which you are unconscious of your surroundings (the hypnotist put her into a trance). |
tranquil (adjective) | 1 calm, peaceful. 2 still. n tranquility , also tranquillity (British spelling) |
tranquilize (verb), | also tranquilise (British spelling) to calm (someone) down (tranquilize the patient before surgery). |
tranquilizer (noun), | also tranquillizer, tranquilliser (British spelling) anything (e.g. a pill) that calms a person down. |
transact (verb) | to carry on or put through (transact business with his firm). |
transaction (noun) | a piece of business (a property transaction). npl a written record of the doings of a society. |
transatlantic (adjective) | across or crossing the Atlantic (a transatlantic flight). |
transcend (verb) | 1 to rise above (his desire for power transcends everything else). 2 to be superior to (his new symphony transcends his other musical works). |
transcendent (adjective) | marvelous (her transcendent beauty). |
transcendental (adjective) | beyond human understanding, supernatural. |
transcribe (verb) | to copy in writing. |
transcript (noun) | a written copy (a transcript of the broadcast). |
transept (noun) | one of the two parts representing the arms in a cross-shaped church. |
transfer (verb) | (transferred , transferring ) to send or remove from one place or owner to another. n 1 the act of transferring (seek a transfer from one firm to another). 2 a design that can be pressed from one surface on to another. |
transferable (adjective) | that can be transferred (his property is transferable to his wife). |
transference (noun) | act of transferring. |
transfigure (verb) | 1 to change in form, shape, or appearance. 2 to make more beautiful or splendid (a face transfigured with happiness). n transfiguration |
transfix (verb) | 1 to pierce through (transfixed by a spear). 2 to cause to be unable to move (transfixed with terror). |
transform (verb) | 1 to change the form of. 2 to change completely (computers transformed the office system). n transformation |
transformer (noun) | a machine for changing the voltage of an electric current. |
transfuse (verb) | to transfer from one thing to another (e.g. by pouring). |
transfusion (noun) | 1 the act of transfusing. 2 the passing of the blood of one person into another. |
transient (adjective) | 1 not lasting for long, passing quickly (transient pleasures). 2 not staying for long (a transient population). n transience |
transistor (noun) | a simple radio receiving set in which the current is produced by sensitive wires in contact with a crystal. adj transistorized , also transistorised (British spelling) |
transit (noun) | passage; the act of going or being moved from one place to another. in transit during passage (passengers in transit at the airport). |
transition (noun) | a changing from one state or condition to another (in transition between high school and university). adj transitional |
transitory (adjective) | passing quickly, not lasting for long (transitory pleasures). |
translate (verb) | to give the meaning of what is said or written in one language in another language. n translator |
translation (noun) | a turning from one language into another. |
translucent (adjective) | allowing light to pass through (translucent glass). |
transmission (noun) | 1 the act of sending messages etc. 2 a radio or television broadcast. |
transmit (verb) | (transmitted , transmitting ) 1 to send (a message, news, etc). 2 to send by radio or television. 3 to send or pass from one person to another (a disease transmitted by mosquitoes). |
transmitter (noun) | a radio apparatus able to send messages or make broadcasts. |
transmute (verb) | (formal) to change from one form into another. n transmutation |
transom (noun) | a window over a door. |
transparent (adjective) | 1 that can be clearly seen through. 2 obvious (her misery was transparent to all). n transparence , transparency |
transpire (verb) | 1 to become known (it later transpired that he was not there). 2 to happen (wait and see what transpires). 3 to exhale. |
transplant (verb) | 1 to uproot and plant in another place. 2 to replace an organ of the body by one belonging to someone else. n transplant , transplantation |
transport (verb) | 1 to carry from one place to another (transport children to school). 2 (old) to convey to another country as a punishment. 3 (formal) to fill with emotions, anger, etc. n 1 any means of carrying persons or goods from one place to another. 2 a ship for carrying troops. 3 (formal) great delight, ecstasy (in transports after their victory). |
transportation (noun) | 1 the state of being transported. 2 a means of conveyance. 3 (old) conveying of convicts to another country as a punishment. |
transpose (verb) | 1 to interchange the places of. 2 to change the order of (transpose the words in the sentence). n transposition |
transverse (adjective) | lying across. |
trap (noun) | 1 an instrument or device for catching wild animals and holding them alive or dead. 2 any device that, by its appearance, deceives you into advancing or progressing into unseen difficulties (he walked into the trap). 3 an S-shaped bend in drainpipes to prevent foul air rising. 4 a light two-wheeled horse carriage. vb (trapped , trapping ) 1 to catch in a trap or snare. 2 to deceive (they trapped her into admitting her guilt). |
trapdoor (noun) | a door in a floor, ceiling, or roof. |
trapeze (noun) | a bar suspended from two swinging ropes, some distance above the ground, and used in gymnastic or acrobatic exercises. |
trapezium (noun) | a four-sided figure of which two sides are parallel and unequal in length. |
trapper (noun) | a person who traps animals, especially for their furs. |
trappings (noun, plural) | 1 finery, decoration. 2 an ornamental harness for a horse. |
trash (noun) | 1 that which is thrown away as useless, useless material (put the trash in the trashcan). 2 nonsense (talk trash). adj trashy |
trashcan (noun) | a container for household trash. |
trauma (noun) | a shock that has a long-lasting effect. adj traumatic adv traumatically |
Traumatology | study of wounds and their effects (see list of branches of science) |
Traumatophobia | fear of injury (see list of phobias) |
travel (verb) | (traveled , traveling , also travelled, travelling [Br]) 1 to go, move or make a journey (travel to the city/travel abroad). 2 to be transmitted or move (the speed at which light travels). Also n. |
travel agent (noun) | a person who makes travel arrangements for customers. n travel agency |
traveler (noun), | also traveller (British spelling) 1 a person who journeys. 2 a person who goes from place to place trying to obtain orders for a business firm. |
traverse (verb) | to go across (the camel train was traversing the desert). |
travesty | Collective noun for transvestites (A travesty of transvestites) (see list of collective nouns) |
travesty (verb) | to imitate in such a way as to make appear ridiculous. n a silly imitation. |
trawl (noun) | a large wide-mouthed net for deep-sea fishing. vb to fish by drawing a trawl through the water. |
trawler (noun) | a fishing boat using a trawl. |
tray | Collective noun for dieticians (A tray of dieticians) (see list of collective nouns) |
tray (noun) | a flat piece of wood, metal, etc, with a rim, used for carrying dishes, etc. |
treacherous (adjective) | 1 faithless, disloyal, deceitful (treacherous followers). 2 dangerous, but seeming safe (a treacherous beach full of mines). |
treachery (noun) | unfaithfulness to those who have placed trust in you; disloyalty. |
treacle | see molasses. |
tread (verb) | (pt trod , pp trodden or trod) 1 to step or walk (tread softly). 2 to walk heavily on (tread grapes to crush them). n 1 a step (hear her tread on the stairs). 2 your way of walking. 3 the sound of walking. 4 the flat part of the step of a stair. 5 the part of a tire that touches the ground. |
treadle (noun) | a pedal used for operating a machine. |
treadmill (noun) | 1 (old) a millwheel turned by persons treading on steps sticking out from it. 2 an exercise machine with an endless moving belt on which you walk or run. |
treason (noun) | disloyalty to your country or ruler (the spy was sentenced to life imprisonment for treason). |
treasonable (adjective) | having to do with treason (treasonable actions). |
treasure (noun) | 1 something greatly valued (family treasures such as photographs). 2 a store of great wealth. vb to value greatly. |
treasure trove (noun) | treasure found hidden and ownerless (the children dug up some treasure trove on the beach). |
treasurer (noun) | a person who is in charge of the money of a society, business firm, etc. |
treasury (noun) | 1 (cap) the government department in charge of a nation’s finances. 2 a store where public money is kept. |
treat (verb) | 1 to deal with. 2 to act toward (he always treated her with great respect). 3 to talk or write about. 4 to give treatment to (they had to treat one of the patients for malaria). 5 to pay for another’s entertainment. 6 to discuss conditions for an agreement. n 1 an entertainment. 2 something that gives great pleasure. |
treatise (noun) | a piece of writing giving information on a certain subject (a treatise on British folklore). |
treatment (noun) | the way of treating anything. |
treaty (noun) | an agreement between two nations (a treaty that ended the war). |
treble (adjective) | threefold, three times. vb to multiply by three. n the highest part in singing; soprano. |
tree | Collective noun for genealogists (A tree of genealogists) (see list of collective nouns) |
tree (noun) | a plant with a trunk and branches of wood. |
trek (verb) | (trekked , trekking ) to journey on foot, often wearily (trek around the stores looking for a bargain). Also n. |
trellis (noun) | a light framework of crisscrossing bars of wood or metal for supporting climbing plants. |
tremble (verb) | 1 to shake with fear, cold, fever, etc. 2 to feel great fear. |
tremendous (adjective) | 1 huge. 2 very great, impressive (a tremendous achievement). adv tremendously |
Tremophobia | fear of trembling (see list of phobias) |
tremor (noun) | a slight shaking or shivering (earth tremors). |
trench (noun) | a long narrow hole or ditch dug in the ground, especially one to shelter soldiers from enemy gunfire. |
trenchant (adjective) | (of remarks) sharp and forceful (trenchant criticism). |
trend (noun) | 1 a tendency. 2 a general inclination toward (a trend toward smaller families). |
trendy (adjective) | (informal) very fashionable (a trendy nightclub). |
trepidation (noun) | fear. |
trespass (verb) | 1 to go unlawfully on another’s land (walkers trespassing on the farmer’s land). 2 (old) to sin. Also n. n trespasser |
tress (noun) | a lock of hair. npl tresses long hair worn loose. |
trestle (noun) | a frame that supports a bridge or railroad track. |
tri- | prefix three. |
trial (noun) | 1 the examining of a prisoner in a court of law. 2 a test (give the young woman a trial as a secretary). 3 hardship or distress undergone (the trials of being homeless). |
triangle (noun) | 1 a figure with three sides and three angles. 2 a musical instrument consisting of a triangle-shaped steel rod, played by striking it with a small rod. |
triangular (adjective) | having three sides and three angles. |
triathlon (noun) | an athletic contest consisting of three events, usually swimming, cycling, and long-distance running. |
tribe | Collective noun for natives (A tribe of natives) (see list of collective nouns) |
tribe (noun) | a group of people or families living together under the rule of a chief. adj tribal n tribesman |
Tribology | study of friction and wear between surfaces (see list of branches of science) |
tribulation (noun) | great suffering or trouble (the trials and tribulations of the refugees). |
tribunal (noun) | 1 a court of justice. 2 a body appointed to look into and report on a matter of public interest. |
tribune (noun) | a Roman magistrate chosen by the people. |
tributary (noun) | a stream that flows into a larger stream or river |
tribute (noun) | 1 deserved praise (they paid tribute to her bravery by giving her a medal). 2 money paid by a defeated nation to its conquerors. |
trice (noun) | in a trice in a moment (in a trice, she was gone). |
Trichology | study of hair and its disorders (see list of branches of science) |
Trichopathophobia | fear of hair disorders (see list of phobias) |
Trichophobia | fear of hair or hair fall (see list of phobias) |
trick (noun) | 1 something said or done in order to deceive (gain entry to the house by a trick). 2 something done quickly and skillfully in order to amuse (a conjurer’s trick). 3 a special way of doing something (the trick of getting the car to start). 4 cards played and won in a round. vb to deceive, to cheat. |
trickery (noun) | cheating, deceitful conduct (use trickery to get the old woman’s money). |
trickle (verb) | to flow very slowly (blood trickling from the wound). n a thin stream of liquid. |
tricky (adjective) | 1 cunning (a tricky customer). 2 requiring skill (a tricky piece of engineering). 3 difficult (a tricky situation). |
tricycle (noun) | a three-wheeled cycle. |
trident (noun) | a spear with three prongs. |
tried (adjective) | reliable, proved good (it was a tried and tested remedy). |
trifle (noun) | 1 a thing of little value or importance (worry about trifles). 2 a small amount (their contribution was a trifle compared to the final total). 3 (British spelling) a pudding consisting of sponge cake, fruit, custard, and cream. vb 1 to treat without seriousness (he trifled with her affections). 2 to idle. |
trifling (adjective) | 1 of no value or importance. 2 very small (a trifling amount). |
trigger (noun) | a small lever that when pulled fires a gun. vb 1 to cause something to happen (trigger an allergic reaction), 2 to cause something to start functioning (trigger the alarm). |
trigonometry (noun) | the science dealing with the measurement of triangles, and the relation between their sides and angles. |
trillion (noun) | 1 a million million (1012; 1,000,000,000,000) 2 (informal) a very large number. |
trilogy (noun) | a series of three connected plays, novels, etc. |
trim (verb) | (trimmed , trimming ) 1 to make neat, especially by cutting (have her hair trimmed). 2 to decorate (trim the coat with fake fur). 3 to rearrange cargo so that a ship is properly balanced. 4 to make ready for sailing. adj neat, tidy. in good trim 1 in good condition. 2 well prepared. |
trimester (noun) | 1 an academic term. 2 three months. 3 one third of the length of a human pregnancy. |
trimming (noun) | something added as an ornament (gold trimming on the evening dress). |
trinity (noun) | a union of three in one. the Trinity the Christian belief that in one God there are three persons—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. |
trinket (noun) | an ornament of little value, a piece of cheap jewelry. |
trio (noun) | 1 a set of three, especially three musicians who play together (the trio of rascals who broke the windows). 2 a piece of music for three performers. |
trip | Collective noun for dotterels (A trip of dotterels) (see list of collective nouns) |
trip | Collective noun for hippies (A trip of hippies) (see list of collective nouns) |
trip (verb) | (tripped , tripping ) 1 to stumble or fall over (she tripped getting off the bus). 2 to cause to stumble or fall (they deliberately tripped her up).3 (formal) to move with quick light steps (trip upstairs). n 1 a stumble. 2 a short journey or outing. |
tripe (noun) | 1 part of the stomach of a sheep, cow, etc, prepared as food. 2 (informal) nonsense, rubbish (the movie was just tripe). |
triple (adjective) | made up of three parts, threefold. vb to make or become three times as large or as many (tripled his income in a year). |
triplet (noun) | one of three children born at one birth. |
triplicate (adjective) | threefold. n: in triplicate with three copies. |
tripod (noun) | a three-legged stand or support (e.g. for a camera). |
tripper (noun) | (informal) a person who is on vacation or on an outing for pleasure (the day-trippers set out for the shore). |
Triskaidekaphobia | fear of the number 13 (see list of phobias) |
trite (adjective) | often used, commonplace (her words of comfort were rather trite). |
triumph (noun) | 1 joy at success or victory. 2 a great success or victory (the crowd cheered her triumph). vb to gain a great success or victory (triumphed over the enemy). |
triumphal (adjective) | having to do with a victory (a triumphal procession). |
triumphant (adjective) | 1 successful, victorious (the triumphant team). 2 joyous at success or victory (triumphant at the team’s win). adv triumphantly |
triumvirate (noun) | a group of three people sharing the power of government. |
trivet (noun) | a three-legged stand for a pot, kettle, etc. right as a trivet perfectly all right. |
trivia (noun, plural) | (now often regarded as a singular noun) facts of small importance (a head full of trivia). |
trivial (adjective) | of small importance, trifling (waste time on trivial matters). n triviality |
troglodyte (noun) | a cave-dweller. |
troll (noun) | a dwarfish elf or goblin. |
trolley (noun) | (pl trolleys ) 1 a pole that conveys electric current from an overhead wire to a streetcar. 2 a streetcar. 3 (British spelling) a cart for transporting goods in a supermarket or baggage at an airport. |
trombone (noun) | a deep-toned type of trumpet with a sliding tube moved in and out when it is being played. |
troop | Collective noun for baboons (A troop of baboons) (see list of collective nouns) |
troop | Collective noun for monkeys (A troop of monkeys) (see list of collective nouns) |
troop | Collective noun for mushrooms (A troop of mushrooms) (see list of collective nouns) |
troop (noun) | 1 a collection or group of people or animals (a troop of monkeys in the circus). 2 an organized group of soldiers, scouts, etc. vb to move or gather in large numbers. npl soldiers. |
trooper (noun) | a horse-soldier. |
Trophology | study of nutrition (see list of branches of science) |
trophy (noun) | something given or kept as a reward for or reminder of success or victory (a trophy for winning the tournament). |
tropic (noun) | one of two imaginary lines around the earth marking the farthest distance north and south of the equator at which the sun rises and sets during the year. npl the hot regions north and south of the equator. |
tropical (adjective) | 1 having to do with the tropics (a tropical fruit). 2 very hot. |
Tropophobia | fear of moving or making changes (see list of phobias) |
trot (verb) | (trotted , trotting ) 1 (of a horse) to go at a pace between a walk and a canter. 2 to run with short steps (a child trotting behind his mother). n a medium pace. |
troth (noun) | plight your troth (old) to promise to marry. |
trotter (noun) | the foot of a pig or sheep. |
trouble (verb) | 1 to cause anxiety, difficulty, or distress to (his daughter’s absence troubled him). 2 to disturb (I am sorry to trouble you). n 1 worry, anxiety, distress (her son causes her a lot of trouble). 2 difficulty (having trouble closing the door). |
troublesome (adjective) | causing trouble (a troublesome task). |
trough (noun) | 1 a long narrow vessel to hold water or food for animals. 2 a hollow (e.g. between two waves). |
trounce (verb) | to beat severely (they trounced the opposing team). |
troup | Collective noun for shrimps (A troup of shrimps) (see list of collective nouns) |
troupe | Collective noun for acrobats (A troupe of acrobats) (see list of collective nouns) |
troupe | Collective noun for artistes (A troupe of artistes) (see list of collective nouns) |
troupe | Collective noun for dancers (A troupe of dancers) (see list of collective nouns) |
troupe | Collective noun for performers (A troupe of performers) (see list of collective nouns) |
troupe (noun) | a company of actors or other performers. |
trousers | see pants. |
trousseau (noun) | (pl trousseaux or trousseaus ) a bride’s outfit. |
trout (noun) | an edible freshwater fish. |
trove | Collective noun for treasure (A trove of treasure) (see list of collective nouns) |
trowel (noun) | 1 a tool with a flat blade used for spreading mortar, plaster, etc. 2 a tool with a curved blade used in gardening. |
troy or troy weight (noun) | a system of measures used in weighing precious metals or gemstones. |
truant (noun) | a child who stays off school without leave (the teacher saw the truants at the supermarket). play truant to stay off school without leave. n truancy. |
truce (noun) | an agreement to stop fighting for a time (both armies agreed on a truce at Christmas). |
truck farm (noun) | a garden in which vegetables are grown for sale (they get organically grown vegetables from a truck farm). n truck farmer |
truck1 (noun) | a large motor vehicle for carrying goods. |
truck2 (noun) | dealings (have no truck with the people next door). |
trucker (noun) | a truck driver. |
truculent (adjective) | quarrelsome, trying to find a cause for quarreling or fighting (children in a truculent mood). n truculence |
trudge (verb) | to walk, especially with heavy steps; to walk in a tired manner (a long trudge home after a hard day’s work). Also n. |
true (adjective) | 1 in agreement with fact, not false (the true facts). 2 genuine (the true heir). 3 honest. 4 faithful, loyal (true friends). 5 exact, close (a true copy). adv truly |
truffle (noun) | an edible fungus that grows underground (truffles are an expensive delicacy). |
truism (noun) | a remark that is obviously true and therefore unnecessary (“look before you leap” is a truism). |
trump (noun) | one of a suit of cards that, in a particular hand, beats a card of any other suit. vb to play a trump on a card of another suit. trump up to make up, to invent. |
trump card (noun) | a means of ensuring success. |
trumpet (noun) | a metal wind instrument. vb 1 to make known far and wide. 2 to make a loud noise like a trumpet, especially animals (the elephant trumpeted a warning). |
trumpeter (noun) | a person who plays the trumpet. |
truncate (verb) | to cut off, to cut short (a truncated meeting). |
truncheon (noun) | 1 a club carried by a police officer. 2 a short staff carried as a sign of authority. |
trundle (verb) | to roll, push, or bowl along (the bus trundled along the country road). |
trunk (noun) | 1 the main stem of a tree. 2 the body not including the head or limbs (the rash was confined to his trunk). 3 the long tube-like nose of an elephant. 4 a box or chest for clothing, etc (store the clothing in the trunk). 5 the storage place for luggage at the back of a car. |
trunks (noun, plural) | men’s shorts worn for swimming or other sports. |
truss | Collective noun for hay (A truss of hay) (see list of collective nouns) |
truss (noun) | 1 a bundle of hay or straw. 2 a supporting bandage (a truss for a hernia). vb 1 to tie (the burglars trussed up the guard). 2 to tie up (a fowl) for cooking. |
trust (noun) | 1 a firm belief that another person or a thing is what it claims or is claimed to be; confidence (put your trust in him). 2 a union of several firms to advance their business interests. 3 the holding and controlling of money or property for the advantage of someone (money held in trust until she is 21). 4 care or responsibility (a child placed in her trust). vb 1 to rely upon, to have faith in. 2 to hope. take on trust to accept without examination or inquiry. |
trustee (noun) | a person who is appointed to hold and look after property on behalf of another. n trusteeship |
trustful , trusting (adjective) | ready to trust. |
trustworthy (adjective) | deserving trust or confidence, reliable. |
trusty (adjective) | (formal) that can be trusted, reliable (his trusty followers). |
truth (noun) | that which is true (always tell the truth). adj truthful adv truthfully |
try (verb) | (tried , trying ) 1 to attempt (try to climb the tree). 2 to test (try the new flavor). 3 to examine and judge in a court of law. |
trying (adjective) | difficult, worrying, annoying (a trying time for all). |
Trypanophobia | fear of medical procedures involving injections or hypodermic needles (see list of phobias) |
Trypophobia | fear of holes or a pattern of holes (see list of phobias) |
tsar, tzar, czar (noun) | the title of the emperor of Russia (until 1917). f tsarina |
tsetse (noun) | a blood-sucking African fly whose bite transmits the disease of sleeping sickness. |
T-shirt (noun) | a short-sleeved collarless shirt or undershirt. |
Tsiganology | study of gypsies (see list of branches of science) |
tsunami (noun) | a huge sea wave produced by an underwater earthquake. |
tub (noun) | 1 a large open container used for bathing, washing clothing, growing things etc (an old wooden washing tub). 2 a bathtub. |
tuba (noun) | a low-pitched brass wind instrument. |
tubby (adjective) | (informal) round and fat (a tubby child). |
tube (noun) | 1 a pipe. 2 a hollow cylinder. |
tuber (noun) | a swelling on the root of a plant (e.g. a potato). |
Tuberculophobia | fear of tuberculosis (see list of phobias |
tuberculosis (noun) | a wasting disease caused by the growth of tubercles on the lungs or other organs; consumption. adj tubercular |
tubing (noun) | 1 a length of tube. 2 a series of tubes. |
tubular (adjective) | 1 like a tube. 2 consisting of tubes (tubular construction/tubular bells). |
tuck (verb) | 1 to push, to stuff (tucks his shirt into his pants). 2 to put in a secure or private place (tucked his book under his arm). n a fold in a garment. tuck in 1 to cover up comfortably (tuck the baby in). 2 (informal) to eat hungrily (tuck into milk and cookies). |
Tuesday (noun) | the third day of the week. |
tuft | Collective noun for grass (A tuft of grass) (see list of collective nouns) |
tuft (noun) | 1 a bunch or clump of grass, hair, etc, growing together. 2 a bunch of threads, etc, held together. |
tufty (adjective) | growing in tufts (the dog has tufty hair). |
tug (verb) | (tugged , tugging ) 1 to pull with effort (tug the gate open). 2 to pull sharply (tugged his sister’s hair). n 1 a strong sharp pull. 2 a small boat used to pull larger ones. |
tug-of-war (noun) | a contest in which two teams pull opposite ways at each end of a rope until one is pulled across a mark. |
tuition (noun) | teaching (private tuition in French). |
tulip (noun) | a plant growing from a bulb and having a single brightly colored flower. |
tumble (verb) | 1 to fall (the child tumbled down the hill). 2 to do acrobatic and jumping tricks. n a fall. |
tumbler | Collective noun for gymnasts (A tumbler of gymnasts) (see list of collective nouns) |
tumbler (noun) | 1 a drinking glass (a tumbler of cold water). 2 an acrobat (tumblers in the circus). |
tumbleweed (noun) | a plant broken away from its roots in the fall and rolled about by the wind. |
tummy (noun) | (informal) a stomach (a pain in my tummy). |
tumor (noun), | also tumour (British spelling) a mass of diseased cells in the body causing swelling (a brain tumor/a malignant tumor). |
tumult | Collective noun for tuba players (A tumult of tuba players) (see list of collective nouns) |
tumult (noun) | 1 noisy confusion, uproar (his statement went unheard in the tumult). 2 disorderly behavior by a crowd. |
tumultuous (adjective) | noisy and disorderly (a tumultuous welcome). |
tuna (noun) | a large edible fish of the mackerel family. |
tundra (noun) | a wide plain of frozen marshy land in northern Siberia or North America. |
tune (noun) | 1 the melody or air of a piece of music. 2 a short pleasing piece of music. 3 the correct relation of one musical note to others. vb 1 to ensure that an instrument is adjusted to play the correct notes. 2 to adjust a radio, etc, until it is receiving as clearly as possible. |
tuneful (adjective) | having a pleasing air or melody (a tuneful air). adv tunefully |
tungsten (noun) | a rare metallic element, used for filaments in electric light bulbs. |
tunic (noun) | 1 a loose upper garment covering the body, sometimes to below the waist. 2 a soldier’s uniform jacket. |
tuning fork (noun) | a two-pronged fork that, when struck, gives a musical note to which instruments can be adjusted. |
tunnel (noun) | an underground passage, especially one that enables a road or railroad to pass under or through an obstacle (the train went through a tunnel). |
turban (noun) | a headdress made by winding a band of fabric around and around the head. |
turbine (noun) | a type of wheel that, when moved by steam or water power, drives an engine. |
Turbology | study of tornadoes (see list of branches of science) |
turbot (noun) | a large edible flatfish. |
turbulent (adjective) | 1 moving violently and irregularly. 2 disorderly, hard to control or rule, rebellious (a turbulent crowd of protestors). n turbulence |
tureen (noun) | a large deep dish for soup. |
turf (noun) | earth covered thickly with short grass (the turf of the golf course). vb to cover with turf. |
turkey (noun) | a large farmyard fowl (roast turkey for Thanksgiving). |
Turkish bath (noun) | 1 a treatment in which you sit in a room of steam to induce a sweat and then follow it with a shower and massage. 2 the place where you would go for a Turkish bath. |
turmoil (noun) | noisy confusion, disorder (the office was in turmoil after she left). |
turn (verb) | 1 to move or cause to move around (she turned to face him). 2 to shape wood by cutting it as it revolves. 3 to change (she has turned into a beautiful young woman). 4 (of milk) to become sour. n 1 a change of direction. 2 (of a wheel) a revolution. 3 a bend (the accident happened at the turn in the road). 4 an act (she did him a good turn). 5 a short walk (the old couple took a turn along the promenade). 6 a sudden feeling of sickness (the sight of all the blood turned his stomach). turn down to refuse (turn down the invitation). turn in (informal) to go to bed. turn out 1 to have (good or bad) results (it turned out for the best). 2 to attend a meeting, etc (very few turned out because of the weather). turn over a new leaf to change yourself for the better (the criminal decided to turn over a new leaf and find himself a job). turn turtle to turn completely over, to capsize. turn up to appear unexpectedly (she did not turn up at the meeting). turn upon to attack suddenly (the dog turned upon its master). in turn one after the other, in the proper order (they drove the car in turns). |
turning (noun) | 1 a bend in the road. 2 a corner leading off to another road. |
turnip (noun) | 1 a plant of the mustard family with a thick edible root. 2 (British spelling) rutabaga. |
turnout (noun) | the number of people in an assembly (a large turnout at the concert). |
turnover (noun) | in business, the amount of money paid in and out in a certain period (the store’s turnover is down this year). |
turnpike (noun) | a gate or bar across a road at which travelers must pay a tax for the use of the road. |
turnstile (noun) | a revolving gate through which only one person can pass at a time (pay at the turnstile). |
turntable (noun) | 1 a revolving platform for turning round railroad engines, etc. 2 (old) a round spinning surface on a phonograph on which the record is placed. |
turpentine (noun) | 1 a resin obtained from certain trees. 2 an oil made from this. |
turquoise (noun) | a greenish-blue precious stone or its color (dressed all in turquoise). Also adj. |
turret (noun) | 1 a small tower forming part of a building (a castle with many turrets). 2 a revolving tower to protect guns and gunners on a warship or in a fort. |
turtle (noun) | a reptile with four flipper-like limbs, and almost entirely covered by a hard shell. |
turtleneck (noun) | 1 a high collar that turns down and fits closely around the neck. 2 a sweater or shirt with such a collar. |
tusk (noun) | a long pointed tooth sticking out from the mouth, as in an elephant, walrus, etc. |
tussle (noun) | a short struggle, a disorderly fight (the children had a tussle over the toys). vb to struggle. |
tut (interjection) | an exclamation expressing disappointment or disapproval. |
tutor (noun) | a private teacher (she has a tutor to help her with math). vb to teach, to act as tutor. |
tutorial (adjective) | having to do with a tutor or teaching. n 1 a group of students who study with a tutor. 2 study time spent with a tutor. |
tutu (noun) | a very short stiff skirt worn by a female ballet dancer. |
TV | abbreviation for televison. |
twaddle | Collective noun for public speakers (A twaddle of public speakers) (see list of collective nouns) |
twaddle (noun) | nonsense, foolish talk (he was talking twaddle). |
twang (noun) | 1 the sound made by plucking a tightly stretched string or wire. 2 a tone that sounds as if you were speaking through your nose. vb to pluck a tightly stretched string or wire. |
twangle | Collective noun for harps (A twangle of harps) (see list of collective nouns) |
tweak (verb) | to twist sharply, to pinch (she tweaked his ear in fun). Also n. |
tweed (noun) | a rough woolen cloth, suitable for outer garments. |
tweezers (noun, plural) | small pincers for pulling out hairs, lifting tiny things, etc (his mother pulled out the splinter using tweezers). |
twelfth (adjective) | 12th, coming after eleven others. n one of twelve equal parts. |
twelve (noun) | the number 12, coming between eleven and thirteen. |
twenty (noun) | the number 20, coming between nineteen and twenty-one. adj twentieth 20th. |
twice (adverb) | two times (he has been beaten only twice). |
twiddle (verb) | to play with (sit twiddling your fingers with nothing to do). |
twig (noun) | a small shoot or branch of a tree or shrub. |
twilight (noun) | the faint light just after sundown. |
twill (noun) | a strong cloth with ribbed lines or ridges running from end to end (pants made of twill). |
twin (noun) | 1 one of two children born at one birth. 2 a person or thing that looks exactly the same as another (the twin of her china vase). adj 1 born at one birth (twin babies). 2 double. 3 consisting of two like parts or things (twin engines). vb (twinned , twinning ) to pair together. |
twine (noun) | strong string (garden twine). vb 1 to twist or wind around. 2 to twist together (garden plants twining around each other). |
twinge (noun) | a sudden sharp pain (a twinge in his back when he bent down). |
twinkle (verb) | 1 to sparkle. 2 to shine with a light that very quickly increases and decreases (stars twinkling in the sky). n 1 a gleam of light. 2 a quick look of amusement in the eyes. |
twinkling (noun) | a moment. |
twirl (verb) | to spin or turn around rapidly (she twirled the baton). Also n. |
twist (verb) | 1 to turn quickly out of shape or position. 2 to wind strands around each other (to make a cord). 3 to put a wrong meaning on (she deliberately twisted his words). n 1 something made by twisting. 2 a sudden turning out of shape or position. |
twister (noun) | a tornado. |
twitch (noun) | 1 a jerk. 2 a sudden quick movement. vb 1 to pull sharply (twitch her dress into position). 2 to make a quick movement unintentionally (her eye twitches). |
twitter (verb) | to chirp, as a bird. n 1 a chirp. 2 a state of nervous excitement (in a twitter about the party). |
two (noun) | othe number 2, coming between one and three. |
two-faced (adjective) | deceitful, not sincere (a loyal supporter who turned out to be two-faced). |
tycoon (noun) | a very successful and influential businessman, a business magnate. |
type (noun) | 1 a class or kind (a kind of vegetable). 2 a person or thing possessing most of the qualities of a certain group, class, nationality, etc. 3 a letter or symbol cut in metal, etc, and used for printing. 4 the kind and size of a set of letters used in printing. vb to use a typewriter (he is learning to type). |
typescript (noun) | typewritten material (send the typescript to her publisher). |
typeset (verb) | to set a written piece of work in a typed form. n typesetter. adj typeset. |
typewriter (noun) | a machine operated by keys that, when struck, cause letters or symbols to be printed through an inked ribbon on to paper. |
Typhlology | study of blindness and the blind (see list of branches of science) |
typhoid (noun) | an infectious disease causing acute pain in the intestines (get typhoid from infected food). |
typhoon (noun) | a violent storm of wind and rain, especially in the China seas. |
typical (adjective) | 1 characteristic (it was typical of him not to apologize). 2 serving as an example of a class or group (a typical village store). adv typically |
typify (verb) | to serve as an example of. |
typist (noun) | a person who uses a typewriter. |
typography (noun) | the art of printing. n typographer |
Typology | study of types of things (see list of branches of science) |
tyrannical , tyrannous (adjective) | cruel, ruling unjustly (a tyrannical emperor). |
tyrannize (verb), | also tyrannise (British spelling) to use power cruelly or unjustly (the dictator was known to tyrannize the people). |
Tyrannophobia | fear of tyrants (see list of phobias) |
tyrannosaurus (noun) | a very large meat-eating dinosaur that walked on its hind legs and had two small front legs. |
tyranny | Collective noun for dictators (A tyranny of dictators) (see list of collective nouns) |
tyranny (noun) | cruel or unjust use of power. |
tyrant (noun) | 1 a person who uses power cruelly. 2 an unjust ruler. |
tzar | see tsar. |