K, k | the eleventh letter of the alphabet. |
Kainolophobia | fear of anything new, novelty (see list of phobias) |
Kainophobia | fear of anything new, novelty (see list of phobias) |
Kakorrhaphiophobia | fear of failure or defeat (see list of phobias) |
kale | a type of cabbage with dark, crinkled leaves. |
kaleidoscope | 1 a toy consisting of a tube in which quickly changing colors and shapes are seen through an eyehole. 2 a constantly and quickly changing pattern (the kaleidoscope of history). |
kaleidoscopic | 1 with many changing colors. 2 quickly changing. |
Kalology | study of beauty (see list of branches of science) |
kamik | an Inuit boot made from caribou hide. |
kangaroo | an Australian mammal with a pouch for its young and long strong hind legs by means of which it jumps along. |
kapok | a light cotton-like fiber used for stuffing cushions, etc. |
karaoke | a type of entertainment in which a machine plays a tape of popular music while people take it in turns to sing the words of the songs (she really enjoyed taking part in the karaoke). |
karate | a Japanese form of unarmed combat using the feet, hands and elbows. |
Karyology | study of cell nuclei (see list of branches of science) |
Katagelophobia | fear of ridicule (see list of phobias) |
Kathisophobia | fear of sitting down (see list of phobias) |
Katsaridaphobia | fear of cockroaches (see list of phobias) |
katydid | a large green insect related to the grasshopper. |
kayak | an Inuit canoe, made from sealskin. |
kebab | small pieces of meat and vegetables cooked on a metal or wooden skewer under a broiler or over flames. |
kedgeree | a dish made of rice, fish and eggs (the English serve kedgeree for breakfast). |
keel | the long beam or girder along the bottom of a ship from which the whole frame is built up. vb keel over 1 to turn over to one side, to capsize (the boat keeled over in the storm). 2 (informal) to fall down, to collapse (people keeling over in the heat). |
keen | 1 sharp (a keen mind keen to go keen-ness/. |
keep | (pt, pp kept ) 1 to have something without being required to give it back (told to keep the change). 2 not to give or throw away, to preserve (keep old family photographs keep hens). 5 to pay for and look after (keep his family). 6 to hold back. 7 to carry out (keep an engagement). 8 to go on doing (keep walking). 9 (informal) to remain in good condition (food that won’t keep). n 1 (formal) care (leave the children in his keep). 2 a strong tower in the centre of a castle. 3 (informal) maintenance, food and lodging (pay for his keep). keep at to go on trying to do. keep body and soul together to help to keep alive (she does two jobs to try to keep body and soul together). keep one’s hand in to practice enough to remain good at (she no longer plays in an orchestra but she plays the piano often enough to keep her hand in). |
keeper | someone who keeps or looks after (the lock-keeper/the gate-keeper). |
keeping | care, charge (money given into the bank’s keeping). |
keepsake | a gift valued because of the giver (she gave him a lock of her hair as a keepsake). |
keg | a small barrel (a keg of beer). |
kelp | 1 a type of seaweed. 2 ashes of seaweed, used in making glass, iodine, etc. |
ken | beyond one’s ken outside the extent of one’s understanding (how he made his money was beyond our ken). |
kennel | 1 a house for dogs (a kennel in the garden for the dog). 2 a pack of hounds. |
Kenophobia | fear of voids or empty spaces (see list of phobias) |
Keratnology | study of nails and hair (see list of branches of science) |
Keraunophobia | fear of thunder and lightning (see list of phobias) |
kerb | see curb. |
kerchief | a cloth for covering the head (wearing a red kerchief to protect her head from the sun). |
kernel | 1 the edible part in the centre of a nut or fruit stone. 2 the most important part (the kernel of the problem). |
kerosene | an oil made from petroleum, paraffin. |
kestrel | a small falcon. |
ketchup | a sauce, usually made of tomatoes, onions, salt and sugar (tomato ketchup). |
kettle | a metal vessel, with a spout and handle, used for boiling water (boil water for the tea in an electric kettle). a kettle of fish a great difficulty. |
kettle | Collective noun for drums (A kettle of drums) (see list of collective nouns) |
kettledrum | a drum made of skin or parchment stretched across the mouth of a rounded metal frame. |
key | 1 an instrument for opening locks, winding clocks, etc (turn the key in the lock). 2 one of the levers or buttons struck by the fingers on a piano, computer, etc. 3 the relationship of the notes in which a tune is written. 4 something that when known enables you to work out a code, problem, etc (the key to the puzzle). 5 a translation. 6 a general mood, tone or style (in a low key). |
keyboard | the set of levers or buttons struck by the fingers on a piano, computer, etc (the keyboard of the computer). vb to use a keyboard. |
keyhole | the hole through which a key is put in a lock (looking through the keyhole to see what they were doing). |
kg | abbreviation for kilogram |
khaki | dust-colored. n yellowish-brown cloth originally used in making army uniforms. |
kibbutz | in Israel, a small community in which the members all live and work together. |
kibbutznik | a member of a kibbutz. |
kick | 1 to strike with the foot (kick the ball). 2 (of a gun) to jerk back when fired. n 1 a blow given with the foot (his leg injured by a kick from a horse). 2 the recoil of a gun. 3 (informal) a thrill, a feeling of pleasure (get a kick from fast cars). 4 strength, effectiveness (a drink with a kick in it). |
kick-off | the beginning of a game of football or soccer. |
kid | 1 (informal) a child (work hard to give his kids everything). 2 a young goat. 3 goatskin leather. vb (kidded , kidding ) (informal) to deceive in fun (she was offended but then she realized that he was only kidding). |
kidnap | (kidnapped , kidnapping ) to carry off a person by force (kidnap the child of the millionaire to get money). n kidnapper |
kidney | 1 one of two glands that cleanse the blood and pass the waste liquid out of the body. 2 the kidneys of certain animals used as food. |
kill | 1 to put to death. 2 to put an end to (kill all their hopes). n the animal(s) killed in a hunt. kill time to make time seem to pass more quickly by occupying or amusing yourself in some way (kill time by looking round the shops). |
kiln | a furnace or oven for heating or hardening anything, especially bricks and pottery. |
kilo- | prefix one thousand. |
kilogram | a measure of weight = 1000 grams (about 21/5 lb). abbreviation kg. |
kilometer | also kilometre (British spelling) a measure of length = 1000 meters (about 5/8 mile). abbreviation km. |
kilowatt | a measure of electric power = 1000 watts. |
kilt | a short pleated skirt worn by Scotsmen as part of Highland dress. |
kimono | a Japanese long loose robe, tied with a sash, worn by women. |
kin | (formal) relatives, by blood or marriage (all his kin are dead). |
kind | 1 sort, type, variety (fruit of various kinds kind acts). n kindness pay in kind to pay by goods, etc, not money (they gave us apples and we paid them in kind with eggs). |
kindergarten | a school for children ages four to six. |
kindle | 1 to set on fire, to light (kindling the fire in the hearth). 2 to stir up (kindle love). |
kindle | Collective noun for kittens (A kindle of kittens) (see list of collective nouns) |
kindle | Collective noun for leverets (A kindle of leverets) (see list of collective nouns) |
kindling | small pieces of wood used for lighting a fire (chop kindling for the fire). |
kindly | kind, friendly (a kindly old woman kine-dlee-ness/. |
kindred | 1 (formal) relatives, especially by blood (all his kindred were killed in the battle). 2 relationship (claim kindred with him). adj 1 related (kindred languages). 2 congenial (kindred spirits). |
Kinematics | study of motion (see list of branches of science) |
Kinesics | study of gestural communication (see list of branches of science) |
Kinesiology | study of human movement and posture (see list of branches of science) |
Kinesophobia | fear of movement or motion (see list of phobias) |
Kinetics | study of forces producing or changing motion (see list of branches of science) |
kinetics | the study of the connection between force and motion. adj kinetic |
Kinetophobia | fear of movement or motion (see list of phobias) |
king | 1 the male ruler of a state. 2 a playing card with a king’s picture. 3 a piece in chess (kings and castles and bishops). |
kingdom | a state ruled by a king. |
kingfisher | a small brightly colored bird that dives for fish. |
kink | 1 a backward twist in a rope, chain, etc (a kink in the garden hose). 2 an unusual or strange way of thinking about things (a curious kink in his character). |
kinship | 1 a family connection. 2 any close connection. |
kinsman | a male relative. f kinswoman |
kiosk | 1 a small hut or stall for the sale of newspapers, sweets, etc (buy sandwiches at the station kiosk). 2 a public telephone booth. |
kipper | to preserve by splitting open, salting and drying. n a fish so preserved, especially a herring, and used as food (have grilled kippers for breakfast). |
kirk | (Scot) a church. |
kiss | to touch with the lips as a sign of love or respect (kiss their parents goodnight he kissed her hand). Also n. |
kit | all the tools, etc, needed to do a job (his athletics kit). |
kitbag | a bag for necessary tools, clothes, etc, as carried by soldiers, sailors, etc. |
kitchen | the room in which cooking is done (a kitchen fitted with labor-saving machines). |
kite | 1 a type of hawk. 2 a toy made of paper or cloth stretched on a tight framework, flown in the air at the end of a string (the child was flying a kite in the shape of a dragon). |
kitten | a young cat. |
kiwi | 1 a wingless tailless bird of New Zealand. 2 the fruit of an Asian vine. |
Kleenex™ | tissue paper that is used as a handkerchief. |
kleptomania | an uncontrollable desire to steal things (she was accused of shoplifting but she was suffering from kleptomania). n kleptomaniac |
Kleptophobia | fear of stealing (see list of phobias) |
km | abbreviation for kilometer. |
knack | knowledge of the right way to do a thing, skill gained by practice (there is a knack to tossing pancakes/the knack of making people feel welcome). |
knapsack | (old) a bag strapped to the back, worn by soldiers or travelers. |
knave | 1 a rascal, a dishonest rogue (the knaves who stole his horse). 2 the third picture in a pack of cards, the jack. |
knead | to press into a dough or paste (knead the dough to make bread). |
knee | the joint between the upper and lower parts of the leg (pray on his knees). |
kneel | (pt, pp knelt or kneeled ) to go down or rest on the knees. |
kneeling | Collective noun for parishioners (A kneeling of parishioners) (see list of collective nouns) |
knell | (fml or lit) the sound of a bell, especially at a funeral. vb 1 (of a bell) to ring a knell (church bells knelling). 2 to summon by, or as by, a knell. |
knickerbockers | (old) loose breeches ending at the knee. |
knickers | (informal) a woman’s undergarment with elastic round the waist; panties. |
knick-knack | a small or dainty ornament (a row of knick-knacks on her mantelpiece). |
knife | (pl knives ) a tool with a sharp edge for cutting (stab him with a knife eat his food with a knife and fork). vb to stab with a knife (he planned to knife her to death). |
knight | 1 in olden days, someone of honorable military rank (knights fighting in a tournament). 2 a rank awarded for service to society, entitling the holder to be called Sir (the Queen made him a knight). 3 a piece in chess. vb to make (someone) a knight (a famous footballer knighted by the Queen). |
knight errant | (old) a knight who traveled in search of adventure. |
knighthood | the rank of a knight (receive a knighthood for services to charity). |
knightly | having to do with a knight (knightly behavior). |
knit | (knitted , knitting ) 1 to make woolen thread into garments by means of needles (knit a cardigan). 2 to join closely (broken bones that failed to knit). |
knitting | the thing knitted (leave her knitting on the bus). |
knitting needle | a long needle used for knitting. |
knives | pl of knife. |
knob | 1 a rounded part sticking out from a surface (the knobs on the trunk of a tree). 2 the round handle of something (wooden door knobs). 3 a round control switch (the knobs on the television set). 4 a small lump of something (a knob of butter). |
knob | Collective noun for pintails (A knob of pintails) (see list of collective nouns) |
knobbly | covered with lumps, bumpy (knobbly knees). |
knock | 1 to strike (he knocked his head on the low ceiling). 2 to rap on a door (knock at the door). 3 (informal) to criticize (stop knocking him—he’s doing his best). n 1 a blow (a knock on the head). 2 a rap on the door. |
knocker | a hammer attached to a door for knocking (brass door-knockers). |
knock-kneed | having knees that touch in walking. |
knoll | (fml or lit) a little rounded hill (a grassy knoll). |
knot | 1 the twisting of two parts or pieces of string, etc, together so that they will not part until untied (put a knot in the string to tie the parcel). 2 a hard piece of the wood of a tree, from which a branch grew out. 3 a small group of people (a knot of people gossiping at the street corner). 4 a measure of speed at sea (about 1.15 miles per hour). vb to tie in a knot. |
knot | Collective noun for astrologers (A knot of astrologers) (see list of collective nouns) |
knot | Collective noun for toads (A knot of toads) (see list of collective nouns) |
knotty | difficult (a knotty problem). |
know | (pt knew , pp known ) 1 to be aware that (she knew that he was present). 2 to have information or knowledge about (she knows the office system thoroughly/she did not know all the facts before she made her move). 3 to have learned and remember (know a poem by Keats). 4 to be aware of the identity of, to be acquainted with (I know Mary Jones). 5 to recognize or identify (I would never have known her after all these years). |
knowing | showing secret understanding (a knowing smile). |
knowledge | 1 that which is known, information (he had considerable knowledge about America). 2 the whole of what can be learned or found out (there are many branches of knowledge such as astronomy). |
knuckle | a finger joint (graze his knuckles). vb knuckle down to start working hard. knuckle under to be forced to accept the authority of someone, to give in to (he was disobedient but the new teacher made him knuckle under). |
knuckle-duster | a blunt metal instrument fixed onto the hand as a weapon. |
koala | a small bear-like animal found in Australia. |
Koinoniphobia | fear of rooms or rooms full of people (see list of phobias) |
Kolpophobia | fear of genitals, particularly female (see list of phobias) |
Koniology | study of atmospheric pollutants and dust (see list of branches of science) |
Koniophobia | fear of dust (see list of phobias) |
kook | someone who behaves in a crazy or silly way. adj kooky |
kookaburra | an Australian bird (the laughing jackass). |
Kopophobia | fear of fatigue (see list of phobias) |
Koran or Qu’ran | the holy book of Islam, the book of the Muslim religion. |
kosher | 1 of food that has been prepared according to the rules of Jewish law. 2 (informal) genuine, honest, legal (I’m almost certain that his qualifications aren’t kosher). |
Kosmikophobia | fear of cosmic phenomenon (see list of phobias) |
Koumpounophobia | fear of buttons on clothing (see list of phobias) |
Ktenology | study of putting people to death (see list of branches of science) |
kudos | glory, fame, credit (gain a lot of kudos in the village from being interviewed on television). |
kung fu | a Chinese form of unarmed combat using the hands and feet, similar to karate. |
Kymatology | study of wave motion (see list of branches of science) |
Kymophobia | fear of waves (see list of phobias) |
Kynophobia | fear of rabies (see list of phobias) |
Kyphophobia | fear of stooping (see list of phobias) |